Author has written 7 stories for Harry Potter, Sweep, Peter Pan, Fruits Basket, Newsies, and Alias. 15 years old - girl - sophomore - anti-social uhh.. now i guess i'm 17 years old - girl - junior - indifferent to social events now im a senior in h.s./freshman in college but im still 17 until march i don't update often, cause i have a job and classes, but im working out my flaws...your always welcome to take any ideas i have, just don't tell people that i stole them from you, cause then ill be sad, and you don't want to see me sad, it's more of a violent sad then a crying sad... Alright, now I'm eighteen, heh and everything still pretty much applies. Except now I not only have college and work (same place), I am totally obsessed with WOW. This also detracts from my fanfiction time. Ah well, a girl's gotta have a hobby! |