Author has written 3 stories for Saiyuki.
A Short Update January 16, 2013
I'm sure you see this on a lot of profiles, but it's been forever since I updated here. My last update was April 2, 2006.
I haven't finished writing anything in a very long time. Maybe I should get off my butt.
A Little About Me
I'm 34. I'm a Capricorn. I have a type of masochism that makes me love to read terrible, terrible fanfiction.
Fandoms: Saiyuki, Gundam Wing, Sorcerer Hunters. And WH40K, sortof. Aren't I interesting?
If you're a Saiyuki writer with a LiveJournal, please consider using the saiyukiwriters community to post updates. (http:///) If it's still alive...?
Other links of related interest:
Echoes from the Saiyuki: Saiyuki Fanfic Archive: http:///saiyuki/
Old Friend's Stuff: (try an archive)
Fractured Kitty Tales: http:///midori_yuy/ (archive link)
Iyada: http:///sora_evens/ (archive link)
Neo Dragnier: http:///lina_chang05/ (archive link)
My own site is currently down, maybe I'll fix it some day.