Author has written 1 story for Twilight. I... am a closet Twilight fan. I know, on the one hand, what the hell is wrong with me that I actually LIKE Twilight? Am I a 12 year old girl that thinks there are vampires and werewolves out there that I will actually meet and will fall in love with me? A girl that will get into fistfights over Edward versus Jacob? O On the other hand, why am I ashamed to show interest in something? I'm afraid another fandom has had my heart for far longer, and the two fandoms view each other with about as much positivity as Team Jacob and Team Edward. So for now, I shall remain a mystery. In all seriousness, I am a 23 year old with too much time on her hands that likes to borrow fictional characters for her own amusement. I hope you like my stories, and that I enjoy yours. 8D |