Author has written 7 stories for Final Fantasy XIII, Naruto, and Final Fantasy VII. I spend more time working on cosplays and various other projects rather than writing. This is alternate account to another, specializing in one-shots and mature material. I like the concept of stories based on songs. Songfics, if done well, are on that list. EVERYTHING I write is based off a song or two, maybe three. I'm lazy, nothing will be updated in a timely manner, until it's NaNoWriMo. NaNoWriMo 2011 Burn My Shadow; A Final Fantasy XIII-2 fanfic "At the edge of the future all of my dreams fade away. Time is just a promise, even then, it's path is not certain; it just turns and tells people what to do." Lightning Farron will continue to defy her fate, even if it will destroy her. Notes: My theory on how Final Fantasy XIII-2 will play out. I plan on pulling mostly from the concept of 'Light, Darkness and Balance' with familiar faces and not too many new faces. Fang and Vanille are going to be more than a simple driving point for Lightning. The whole story isn't figured out exactly yet, the summary isn't really a summary. Off Note: I will be cosplaying as Fang from this story either in the end of August or the month of November when NaNo takes place. |