Author has written 2 stories for Pokémon, and Doctor Who. SAY NO TO PUPPY FARMS Visit these links to spread the word, and find out what you can do to help! First and foremost: never, ever, buy a pet from a pet-shop. Wondering why? These websites will all tell you. . Where Do Puppies Come From? . Oscar's Law . RSPCA . Prisoners for Profit . Death Row Pets – Why You Should Adopt . If we, the public, work together, we can end this horrific practice both in Australia and worldwide. Hello, dear friends. You have stumbled upon the account of Runeai, a fan-fiction writer that would like to warn you of a few things. Should you find yourself offended by mature content, slash, femmeslash, explicit content or, indeed, all of the above, click the shiny back button on your browser now. Flames are not very nice, and after all, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Please, then, if you aren't offended at all by anything I have listed, feel free. Enjoy your stay. Sincerely, Runeai NB: Any characters engaging in sexual activities in any of my work will be depicted as over the age of eighteen, regardless of their age in the source material. Minor/minor or minor/adult is not okay. Disclaimer: Oh, and in case I forget: I don't own any of the series that I write fan-fiction about. I merely borrow the characters to make them dance, and then return them more or less unharmed. Possibly not sane, though. Oops. Fandoms Sherlock: Sherlock/John, Molly/Lestrade, Jim/Molly, Sherlock/Jim Holmes: Holmes/Watson, Holmes/Watson/Mary Pokémon: Ash/Misty, Brock/Misty, Brock/Ash, Gary/Ash, Gary/Misty, Drew/May Harry Potter: Remus/Sirius, Harry/Hermione, Ron/Hermione, Draco/Hermione, Draco/Ginny, Harry/Ginny, Lily/James, Lily/Severus Doctor Who: Doctor/Rose, Doctor/River, Rory/Amy, Eleven/Amy My avatar was made by sinkandrise on LiveJournal. Her icons are hilarious. . My LiveJournal . |