Author has written 11 stories for Horatio Hornblower. Many years ago, I was introduced to the Horatio Hornblower movies, and after poking around on the internet, started reading fanfiction for the first time. It led me to start writing fics. Then I had a baby and took almost 8 years off of writing. I've recently picked up some of my old Hornblower work, to see if I can actually finish it. I tend to explore dark themes, and probably enjoy angst and pain far too much. I am specific about point-of-view because my narrators are unreliable, coloring what is happening through the lens of their own beliefs, fears, and desires. Although I haven't written too much actual sex, what I write should probably be considered slash -- I just feel there is more potential for passion and conflict in male relationships of this era, than in female ones. Most of what I write is also rated Mature, but I hope in a tasteful way, as tasteful as sexual and other violence can be, at least. Thank you for reading, please review to let me know what you think. As a new writer, I can really use the feedback. I thought it might be useful to list my Hornblower fics here in chronological order, since I didn't write them or post them that way: Pre-Duel/Even Chance - Leave a Mark, Simpson POV (M) Duel/Even Chance - By the Hand Led, Horatio POV (K) Devil and the Duchess Wrong War/Lobsters and Frogs |