Ace Lizardi
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Joined 10-11-10, id: 2572645, Profile Updated: 11-12-12

Hey, my name's Ace.

Okay, lemme let you get to know me a bit better.

I'm Wingedwolf1's best buddy. You people might know me as COOKIE!! Yeah I reviewed her stories a lot. (She's a really good author so check her out, mm-kay?)

Name: Ace. Or Cookie sometimes.

Gender: Female

Age: The 'teens.

Location: U.S.A.

Appearance: Gonna be as vague as possible.

Short, layered brown hair, blueish-gray eyes, kinda lacking in the height department.

Be warned. I'm a grade-A geek! And I like to put things in caps.


MUSIC: I sing and play the trumpet.


WRITING: Though I'm not very gifted at it.

VIDEO GAMES: PORTAL 1/2, NANCY DREW, GUITAR HERO/ROCK BAND, assorted Wii and 3DS games (Link, Kirby, etc.).


SCHOOL: Favorite subject? Math and English. (Alright, calm down, I get it!)


People who don't like my purple pants. (Yeah, that's right, PURPLE. What a crime!)


Romance novels (Twilight)

The color brown (Yech...)



You love hoodies. -Yes.

You love jeans. -Yes.

Dogs are better than cats. -Yes.

It's hilarious when people get hurt. -Most times.

You've played with/against boys on a team. -GYM.

Shopping is torture. -Meh.

Sad movies suck. -Most of them.

You own/ed an X-Box. -No.

Played with Hotwheel cars as a kid. -No.

At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter. -No.

You own/ed a DS, PS2 or Sega. -Yeah I have a 3DS.

You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers. -No.

You watch sports on TV. -Rarely.

Gory movies are cool. -No.

You go to your dad for advice. -No.

You own like a trillion baseball caps. -Just 6...

You like going to high school football games. -Yes.

You used to/do collect football/baseball cards. -No.

Baggy pants are cool to wear. -I hate baggy pantsssssssssss.

It's kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people. -Kinda. Four girls and under is just swell.

Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors. -Blue.

You love to go crazy and not care what people think. -*Extremely self-conscious* o_0

Sports are fun. -Hell naw.

Talk with food in your mouth. -Sometimes.

Sleep with your socks on at night. -Yes.


You wear lip gloss/chapstick. -Yes.

You love to shop. -Sometimes.

You wear eyeliner. -Sometimes.

You wear the color pink. -No.

Go to your mom for advice. -No.

You consider cheer leading a sport. -No.

You hate wearing the color black. -I wear it half the time...

You like hanging out at the mall. -Sometimes.

You like getting manicures and/or pedicures. -No.

You like wearing jewelry. -Yes.

Skirts are a big part of your wardrobe. -Gah, those formal occasions!

Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies. -No.

You don't like the movie Star Wars. -It's okay.

You were in gymnastics/dance. -I quit when I was 5.

It takes you around/ more one hour to shower, get dressed, and make-up. -Forty-five-minute shower, twenty minutes straightening my hair, fifteen for makeup. So YES.

You smile a lot more than you should. -No, I'm actually really serious. I should smile way more; everyone always tells me so.

You have more than 10 pairs of shoes. -No, I have like eight. Wait, does that include slippers? Then about twelve.

You care about what you look like. -Yeah. Most people do, ya know.

You like wearing dresses when you can. -Sure...

You like wearing body spray/perfume/cologne. -Most times. Not a lot of it, though.

You love the movies. -Yes.

Used to play with dolls as little kid. -Yeah, I'll admit it

Like putting make-up on someone else for the joy/joke of it. -No...

Like being the star of every thing. -I'm pretty shy, so no.

Your Name


Your Detective Name (favorite color and animal)

Purple Ocelot

Look it up. :)

Your Soap Opera Name (middle name and current street you live on)

Elizabeth (You don't get to know my street. :P)

Your Star Wars Name (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name, last 3 letters of mom's maiden name)



Your Super Hero Name (2nd favorite color, favorite drink)

Blue Sprite.

Ha, that's stupid.

Your Arab Name(2nd letter of your first name,3rd letter of your last name, any letter of your middle name,2nd letter of your mom's maiden name,3rd letter of your dad's middle name,1st letter of sibling's first name, last letter of your mom's middle name)


Nice. I'll use that sometime.

Your Goth Name (black and a pet)

Black Cat

I don't care if it's not original, stop hatin'!

So, there you have it folks.