Author has written 15 stories for StarTrek: Other, Stargate: SG-1, Battlestar Galactica: 2003, Rome, and Heroes. Hello :) I'm Cerebel. As you can tell, I write fanfiction. My preferences usually run to slash, but I've written het, femslash, gen, and everything else under the sun. I've written more than 150 stories, in Battlestar Galactica, Heroes and Rome, for the most part.As a warning, I don't post most of my fic to Occasionally, I recall that I actually have a account, and I update accordingly. My fic is always posted on LiveJournal, on my community http:///cerebel_fics/ - including a lot of sexually explicit material that's unsuitable for posting here. If there's a WIP on this account, odds are the completed fic is already posted on LiveJournal. Thank you for reading; I hope you enjoy the stories. |