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![]() Author has written 4 stories for Ice Age, and Kung Fu Panda. Discussion of the Unprejudiced series: I have done an almost complete revision of Life Unprejudiced. Most of the changed content was in between the story so the overall beginning and ending of the story hasn't changed. But the delivery should be a lot better and it definitely won't be like reading the same thing again. Some of you have probably wandered off to my profile after reading Life Unprejudiced for the first time, or perhaps a second or nth time to see it has updated. If its the latter and you're wondering why, here's the answer: Life Unprejudiced was this biggest idea that came to me that exploded within a week's time (literally, it was originally written within just one week with a chapter released every day). After it's sequel and a few other stories, I revisited it only to see how much it, to put it quite bluntly, sucked terribly. My writing had improved much since it was first written, so to make it more awesome I opted to remove some typos and gave it better detailing and writing. A few more months then, and I went back to it gave it a full blown remake, which is the complete revision you see now. I have begun working on the Love Unprejudiced reboot. It's more of a reboot than a remake maybe, given the fact that I've changed the entire beginning and intend to change the entire framework and tale of the story. I just hope that I don't extend it beyond 9 chapters (fingers crossed). Back then it was too direct to the point, and less of an interesting story. I decided to give a little more drama, some conflict, and a dash of romance on the side. Given what I've worked on so far, I assure its going to be great. That being said, the rewrite for Love Unprejudiced will be far much greater. I really wanted to focus on Dylan's back story, extending the far-too-simple "not fitting in because gay" cliche, but what I also want to highlight is Diego's hardships as he comes forward as a gay man, which I'm sure is a much more interesting thing. That being said, the reboot is heading into too large a scale that I can't just fit in the updated chapters like I did for the prequel. It has to come out as an entirely new finished product. I can't give any promises as to when though... The gay writer who wrote these stories back then was different to the gay writer I am today. So, in order to give more depth, drama, and maturity to it, I revised to address different issues with homosexuality rather than simple love affairs and discrimination. Back then it catered more about "fitting in", which was pretty much the only hardship I had gone through back then. Since I view the world much broader than I did before in my youth, I decided to broaden the story and impact of it overall. I have no qualms with Diego being given a (female) love interest in the fourth movie. I really think that little humbug needs a lover :3 male or female, preferably the former though :P However I'd like to point out Shira's slight lack of character and introduction. Might've been better if they'd extended the movie by 30 minutes or so but we've never really seen a two hour animated movie in like... ever. Still, I'm hopeful to see something develop in either a fifth movie in the franchise, though I have some mixed feelings with that. Discussion of All in the Hands of Fate: I haven't updated AitHoF due to lack of time and interest. It's not that I hate it and decided not to finish it. In fact, I really want to see Yut's story to the end. But I don't want to force myself to write when I have other interests or priorities. The quality wanes out if I force it too much, and sometimes inspiration brings out a richer story. Here are my current (spoiler-free as possible) plans for AitHof: Two acts. Act One revolves around Yut and Tai Lung meeting together and eventually heading off into romance, which is what I've written so far has gone. In Act One we see mostly Tai Lung struggling to fit his past into his present, whereas in Act Two we'll head off to Yut's backstory, which means we're going to the reason of his memory loss. Both of them have equal parts to play in both acts, making sure not to highlight one over the other. Act Two will head deeper into the storyline over the gay theme. Many of the movie's original characters will be making some appearances - even playing a significant role. I am actually more interested in writing down Act Two than Act One, but slightly challenged by the fact I've never tried writing much about action scenes. I'm sure it will make for an interesting challenge, and the experience would be thrilling. As for the "eroticism", I'll try to keep it toned down just to enhance the storyline rather than make the story all about it. But of course, I'll still make it as enjoyable to read as possible. Plans for other stories: Nothing at the moment. Maybe a spin-off in the Unprejudiced series, but I'd really prefer to finish what I currently have before I start anew. |