Author has written 13 stories for Bleach.
Hello person who is reading this! Thank you for visiting my profile. I am very happy some people actually bother to read my profile =D I am a HUGE manga/anime fanatic. (Hence the name absoluteotaku =P)
According to my friends, im usually a quiet person... but i get hyper easily and start talking about random stuff until someone bonks me on the head or something...
Stuff about me =D
- i am female
- i am the same age as the average main character in anime/manga
- i get called a nerd all the time but i actually totally lack common sense
- i am a wannabe writer
- i am a wannabe artist... since we are on this topic, i feel obliged to inform you that the picture of Nel was drawn by yours truly =3
- i love manga/anime that have a lot of action, commedy and a bit of romance
- i need a healthy dose of manga/anime everyday or else i get very grumpy =P
- one of the first questions i ask friends-to-be is, 'do you read or watch manga/anime?'
- the main reason i started learning japanese was so i could read manga in japanese and actually understand what the characters are saying when i'm watching anime
- oh and I LOVE BLEACH =3
Hi just a short message to you all so you guys don't think I've died in a hole in the middle of nowhere or something XD
i'm so very deeply sorry that i havent written anything in a while @.@
School is chaotic.. and yeah.. but don't worry, i havent forgotten about you all and my fanfics
hopefully i can get something decent done and posted soon! Fingers crossed!!! \d(O)b/
Until then, my dear readers!
In case i forget to say it in my stories... I, as much as I want to, do not own Bleach. If I did, Ichigo and Rukia would be together already but the art would be really bad since my drawings look horrible XP
Bleach is owned by the awesome Tite Kubo