Author has written 14 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Transformers/Beast Wars, Naruto, and Samurai 7. Hello, and welcome to my profile, which has recently been edited due to the fact that my now-two-years-older self cringes with horror at the rampant silliness and fangirl Japanese that was in evidence here up until this point. I'll try to keep things a little saner here from this point on.My current fandoms are Naruto, G1 Transformers, Hellsing, Discworld, and to a lesser degree Full Metal Alchemist. This means that my Yugioh fics, barring an act of God, are dead; sorry, guys. Most of what will be posted here are Naruto and TF fics, as I don't know FMA well enough to write for it and I can't bring myself to write Discworld fic in any other context than a crossover, because Pterry's style is inimitable that way. I will tend towards writing yaoi, yuri, het, some romance between characters considered underage (which is inevitable given the nature of Naruto and FMA), and threesomes (and moresomes, very very occasionally, hello the Stunticons and the Sound Four!). Yes, all of the above applies to the giant robots as well, although I will argue with you over the gendering issue if you cuss me out for TF slash. In the event that people find any of the above unpalatable, I will post warnings for the stories which include those subjects: having done so, if you read those stories and flame me anyway, I will mock you. "Mr. Churchill, you are drunk!" "Madam, you are ugly, and I shall be sober in the morning." Ahem. That said, please feel absolutely free to deliver constructive criticism to my fic. I actually rather depend on reviewers to tell me when I've fouled up. You can visit my journal for earlier updates; I tend to post there before I post here. Above all, enjoy the fic! |