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Joined 08-17-10, id: 2500865, Profile Updated: 10-18-12
Author has written 4 stories for Princess Tutu.

Hello everyone (how bothered to look at my profile).


1: Lohengrin
2: Mytho
3: Rue
4: Ahiru
5: Raven!Mytho
6: Pique
7: Autor
8: Retsle
9: Princess . . . Kraehe
10: Fakir

1) Which would you rather choose, 6/3 or 6/10?
Pique and Fakir. They just seem like the better couple.

2) Do you think 7/2 will ever happen?
Autor/Mytho . . . I don’t think they have ever even met.

3) Have you ever read or written 4/5?
Ahiru and Raven!Mytho . . . No, but that would be interesting to read.

4) 9 and 1 are getting married. How does 8 react?
Retsel, along with everyone, doubts that their relationship will last. I mean, Lohengrin was killed by Kraehe's father- their relationship is doomed to fail.

5) Write a plot for a 2/10 fic.
Mytho/Fakir, one of my favorites.

As Mytho's heart is returned, it's Fakir's job to deal with it all since Tutu always prances away after she gives him the heartshard. This was never mentioned when he swore to keep him safe, but he has to do it since Rue can't. As his heart is returned, old feelings for Lohengrin are remembered, so is that the reason his heart flutters at the thought of Fakir?

. . . It's pathetic, I know- Leave me alone.

6) How would 9 announce to 7 he/she's pregnant, and what would 7 do/say?
Kraehe just told Autor, and Autor breaks down crying because the girl he loves got knocked up and there is NO WAY that he's the father.

7) Does the pairing 1/2 exist? How about 3/5?
Yes, I think that Lohengrin/Mytho could have happened before the story, but I'm not sure anyone else agrees.
Rue/Raven!Mytho, Boy I wonder! It’s only one of the main pairings.

8) Pretend you're writing a story with this plot: "8 and 2 are about to get married when suddenly 3 admits her feelings for 2. 2 decides to leave 8 and gets married with 3. 8, inconsolable, has an unhappy threesome with 10 and 6 and in the end, finally realizes her true love is and has always been 5." Would anyone read this?

Retsel and Mytho are about to get married when suddenly, Rue admits her feelings for Mytho. Mytho decides to leave Retsel and gets married to Rue. Retsel, inconsolable, has an unhappy threesome with Fakir and Pique and in the end, finally realizes her true love is and always has been Raven!Mytho.

Maybe. If it was AU, but then Mytho and Raven!Mytho would have to be twins or something.

9) Is 6/7 okay with you or do you wish to kill it with fire?
Pique/Autor. I think that they would look cute together.

10) 4 takes 2 out on a romantic dinner, and 1 comes and ruins it. Write about that.
Ahiru takes Mytho out on a romantic dinner, but Lohengrin, mad with jealousy, tells Rue about how Mytho is planning to propose to Ahiru during their date. Rue causes all hell to break loose in the restaurant while Lohengrin smiles at his cleaver idea.

11) Who would 7 rather get together with? 10 or 3?
Well, since Autor already is in love with Rue, I think he would like that better than Fakir, but you never know. . .

12) Would 9 and 1 make a good couple?
Kraehe and Lohengrin? If they stop hating each other, forget about the whole 'sliced in half by the Raven' thing, and forgot about Prince Siegfried, then Yes.

13) Listening to the song "You Belong With Me", write a story for a love triangle with 10/2/8.

. . . Why do I always get Yaoi? Not that I’m complaining.

‘Mytho is dating Restel, who is in love with Karon. Mytho knows about this, but doesn’t break up with her, since she needs the shoulder to cry on. Fakir, Mytho’s childhood friend and long time love interest, is in love with Mytho, but wont admit it since Mytho is dating his distant cousin. He also knows that Restel is a much better match for Mytho, but also knows that he and Mytho have more in common and would be happier together.
When Retsel finds out that Mytho and Fakir have feelings for each other, she tells Karon her feelings and is shocked when they are returned. Mytho is happy for her and tells Fakir that he and Retsel are over and that he wants to be with his love, Fakir.’

I wrote that entire thing while listening to the song and I finished it when the song ended. Weird.

14) Is there such thing as 6/1 or does not compute?
Lohengrin and Pique? Well, she is one of his reincarnations fangirls, so I . . . guess it computes?

15) Would you read/write a 6/3/10 or is it such a bad idea that you want to kill me right now?
Pique/Rue/Fakir. . . The idea isn't a bad one, I just wouldn't read it.

16) Is 2/9 canon? If it's not, how would you feel if it was?
Yes. Yes it is.

17) 3 finds 9 lying on the ground, bleeding and unconscious. Write about that.
Rue found Kraehe on the ground, bleeding, and unconscious. . .

Crap... She would either run away or kick her since she has the whole 'I hate who I have become!' issue.

18) Everyone is against 10/1 and want every of its shippers to rot in hell. Y/N?

Crap, again. Uhh . . . is this even possible? Maybe, if it is AU and they are twins or something . . . Y? N? Matters what your into.

19) 9 walks in on 5 and 3 getting it on. What does he/she do? Write about that.
Kraehe walks in on Raven!Mytho and Rue.

Why does this keep happening?! If it was AU, and they were twins, I think that Raven!Mytho would have to be Kraehe’s boyfriend (Raven issues), so she would probably be pissed, and would probably throw Rue across the room.

20) Rant about the idea of 6 and 9 getting together.
Pique and Kraehe. Well first off, these two haven’t exchanged a word between them, so it would be like ‘What’s your name again?’. Secondly, Kraehe is completely devoted to Mytho, and since Mytho tried to steel Pique’s heart, it would be a bit awkward, wouldn’t it? Thirdly, Pique seems to have feelings for Fakir, so I see no reason why she would want Kraehe. I can’t think of anything else.

21) What might 4 scream at a moment of great passion?
“QUACK!” Doesn’t she always?

22) If you wrote a song-fic about 10, what song would you choose?
. . . Shit. A song-fic for Fakir? . . . Probably 'The Fight' by the Rasmus.

23) If you wrote a 1/5/10 fic, what would the warning be?
Lohengrin/Raven!Mytho/Fakir (That would actually be a good idea...). Warrning- AU, Slash, Dark.

24) What might be a good pick-up line for 3 to use on 7?
Rue wouldn’t have to do anything, she would just look at Autor, say fallow me, and he would, but if she felt flirty, she could always say 'Want to come feel my feathers?' or something.

25) How might 6 describe a relationship between 9 and 8?
Pique would describe Retsel and Kraehe’s realationship as something no one saw coming.

26) How emo is 2?
Considering that Mytho was heartless for of the show, normal for of the show and then evil for of the show, I would say pretty emo.

27) 2 and 8 are in a happy relationship until 3 runs off with 9. After 8 dumps 2 for 5, 6 gets upset and retaliates by trying to date 3.
Alone and broken-hearted, 2 travels in search of a friend. Finally, 2 meets 4 and 7. The three loners meet 10, who tells each of them to look for love.
4 finds 1, 7 gets 6, but now 2 is stuck in a never-ending love triangle with 3 and 10!

‘Mytho and Retsel are in a happy relationship until Rue runs off with Kraehe. After Retsel dumps Mytho for Raven!Mytho, Pique gets upset and retaliates by trying to date Rue. Alone and heartbroken, Mytho travels in search of a friend. Finally, Mytho meets Ahiru and Autor. The three loners meet Fakir, who tells each of them to look for love. Ahiru gets Lohengrin, Autor gets Pique, but now Mytho is stuck in a never-ending love triangle with Rue and Fakir!’

. . . Whoa. The creepy part is, the ending is something that I would REALLY like to see.

28) What would be a good title for this?
All is Fair in Love and War...?

29) What would the genre(s) be?
Romance and Drama(how can there not be drama in that?)

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

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Schwert und Feder by RenkonNairu reviews
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Princess Tutu - Rated: M - French - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 18 - Words: 36,251 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 3 - Updated: 12/17/2009 - Published: 1/13/2008 - Fakir, Mytho
Perfect by Serra-Of-Many-Names reviews
Mytho's love wasn't enough to save Kraehe from herself. Dark AU in which Rue returned to being Kraehe after killing the Raven. Rating for disturbing imagery and sexual references.
Princess Tutu - Rated: T - English - Horror - Chapters: 3 - Words: 2,422 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 7 - Updated: 7/5/2009 - Published: 5/15/2009
My Sweetest Sorrows by LuckyxxxLuna reviews
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Always by LeaNicolaie reviews
AU - If Ichiru were the older twin, and more than attached to his younger brother, would the events of that night, the night their parents died, been any different?
Vampire Knight - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 5 - Words: 32,096 - Reviews: 123 - Favs: 376 - Follows: 297 - Updated: 4/19/2009 - Published: 4/9/2009 - Ichiru K., Zero K.
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Coming Together, Falling Apart by Samuraiko reviews
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But Fear Itself by Daeleniel Shadowphyre reviews
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Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

15 Ways To Piss The PT Cast Off reviews
Ever wonder what buttons you need to push in order to get the tall, dark, and easily annoyed knight, the heartbreaking prince, the obsesed angsty raven princess, or the clumbsy duck/girl/princess to get pissed off? Yes? Well, you'll find the answers here!
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Jealous Much? reviews
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What Are We? reviews
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Princess Tutu - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 979 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 1 - Published: 12/19/2010 - Fakir, Mytho - Complete
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Community: The Prince and His Knight
Focus: Anime/Manga Princess Tutu