Author has written 5 stories for Twilight. MY AVATAR IS FROM KAN DEE. Life, love and breathing all have one thing in common. They all end, and you never know when it's going to happen... When love kills you revenge is hopeless… Potential will only take you as far as you let it talent is realizing your potential and using it… See the world how you see it not how your told to see it… When you live in a dream long enough it becomes reality... You have to believe in magic for it to believe in you. A muse can do wonders for your career and terrible things for your love life… In our minds we hold onto the best version of a person even when its gone… Every second something tragic happens to someone somewhere. If you dont want art made about you dont date an artist… When you’re lips touch in the right way for just a moment the world stops and you feel something indescribable... TYLER SHIELDS, 2010-2011 Hey. My name is Alice. I am an eighteen year old girl who loves taking photos. |
alibabe (8) |