Author has written 1 story for Justice League. A Book I'm a strange contradiction; I'm new and I'm old, I'm often in tatters, and oft deck'd in gold; Though I never could read, yet letter'd I'm found; Though blind, I enlighten; though loose, I am bound-- I am always in black, and I'm always in white; I am grave and I'm gay, I am heavy and light. In form too I differ--I'm thick and I'm thin, I've no flesh, and no bones, yet I'm covered in skin; I've more points than the compass, more stops than the flute-- I sing without voice, without speaking confute; I'm English, I'm German, I'm French and I'm Dutch; Some love me too fondly; some slight me too much; I often die soon, though I sometimes live ages, And no monarch alive has so many pages. -Hannah More |