Author has written 5 stories for Rookie Blue, and Hunger Games. I live in San Francisco, California, im a sophomore in high school. I've been writing since I was really really young, even though that started with writing noncoherent phrases in my first diary, and I've never really shared my work before. I joined fanfiction because I read other people's stories, and they inspired me to start sharing what I was writing. I am all for constructive criticism, so if you don't like one of my stories, or feel that I can improve in a certain area, please do let me know, because I'm just trying to get better. I am not a professional by any means, but I aspire to be sometime down the line. I also love experimenting with different topics to write about, so I'm always open for suggestions, as long as they're appropriate. I especially love writing about tv shows :) A bit more about myself: I LOVE cop shows, I'm not a rule-breaker, I am a spelling freak, and I like to check whatever emails and stories I send out at least 3 times before I click "send" or "publish". I love archery and surfing...I also love to dance, and I've been dancing for a pre-professional dance company for the past 6 years...basically, writing and dancing are the two things that strike an even balance in my life. |