![]() Author has written 9 stories for Star Trek: 2009, StarTrek: The Original Series, Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter, Friends, Prince of Tennis, Hikaru no Go, and Gakuen Heaven. Hello, everybody! Between hating the Incompletes and being a hopeless perfectionist, I'm starting to doubt many of my own stories will ever make their way here. Which probably means I shouldn't have signed up in the first place. Anyway, since I am here, let me try to talk you into a couple of stories I'm longing to read but don't feel like writing myself. If someone wishes to make me happy this way, I'll be eternally grateful. 1: Sherlock Holmes Something is wrong with Watson (and I don't mean being injured on Holmes's case for the 5079th time, but something personal he won't discuss or even show), and Holmes is the only one who can notice it, because he knows what Watson's "normal" reactions are. So Holmes has to ask for Mycroft's help to investigate Watson's past. 2: Babylon 5 AU Bester is kicked out of the Corps (please, NOT because of that pathetic love affaire) and/or stuck at Babylon 5 when it claims its independence. So he has nothing else to do but to train the illegal telepaths there to fight the Shadows. 3. Star Trek: TOS Spock learns two versions of the story of Jim and Bones' first meeting (which probably don't exactly correspond ) Well, thanks. Best regards, L.S.F. PS. Oups! Requests are actually not allowed. I hope they won’t throw me away ;-) |