Author has written 2 stories for Eyeshield 21, and Kyo kara Maoh!/今日からマ王!. Er, hello. A warm welcome to those who stumble upon my writings. A little about myself: Huge procrastinator (Also the reason why my profile was empty for so long.) I should clarify something; I'm not really a creative writer- at least in terms of aspiring to become one in the future or really looking to improve my writing in that way. Anything I write is mostly done for my own amusement or just to provide some entertainment for someone else. Wish I had more of a desire to write but sadly, I don't. I'm happy with the occasional drabble. All in a Day's Work: Only meant to be a one-shot so I have no intention of creating a sequel at the moment. Perhaps in the future. Besides, I rather like leaving the end up to the reader's imagination. Since I posted it, I've thought more and more about changing Hiruma's inner thoughts after Shin's request. Now that I've read it again, I think that it would be much more likely that Hiruma would be completely aware of the nature of Shin's and Sena's relationship and their everyday activities. Yet on some level, I think it fits his personality. Their relationship has the potential to be important to the future of the team so he feels the need to address it. However, he just doesn't care that much. Ah well, just something I've been chewing on lately. |