![]() Author has written 8 stories for Harry Potter, and Buffy: The Vampire Slayer. Hi, I'm Monica! I'm 27 years old. I've been writing Spuffy for over two years now. I've been writing Dramione/Lumione for about nine months. Those three relationships are basically all I ship. I will read other works but it takes a lot for me to ship them! I am working on a couple of Dramione/Lumione stories at the moment and will post those when finished. I do have a few of my other works that I will put up in the meantime. I'm really new to this community although I've been reading here off and on for about four months. I also post at The Spuffy Realm and Elysian Fields under the same pen name. I've seen people commenting on their profiles about their fave books so I thought I'd include mine. :) I LOVE J.R. Ward! Flat out! I also love Lora Leigh's "Breed" series & "Elite Ops" series, Sherrilyn Kenyon (Acheron is my husband and I have the tattoo to prove it!), Catherine Anderson, Nora Roberts, Kresley Cole's "Immortal After Dark" series, Lynsay Sands, Jaid Black, Karen Marie Moning, Gena Showalter, Christine Feehan, Lynn Kurland. What I Will NOT Read: Sparkly Vampires I have a lot of friends who love this series. We just happen to not talk about it. This belongs in the same category as your money. It's not my business! But we can still be friends! But if we happen to talk about it, here's some topics that might come up: Edward being one dimensional. Edward being the knock-off of Angel. Edward having the depth of a spoon. Bella being modeled after the author herself. Bella allowing herself to be in an abusive relationship. Bella not being able to look past Edward's "godly" looks. The list can go on and on but I'm certain I'll just piss a couple of people off. Remember, this is my opinion!! If you dig the Sparkly thing, dig it! :D That being said... I hope you enjoy my fics! Also, I LOOOOOOVE Supernatural and ship Destiel, AU!J2, and Cockles (lol)-- so if that icks you out, don't come complaining to me! I didn't make you look it up!!! 2/20/11 Sunday To my readers of "Awakening Dreams": I know it's been a long while since I've updated but RL problems and chaos has come between me and my writing. I'm working on fixing it ASAP. I have half of the next chapter wrote so don't worry. I'm not dropping the story or abadoning it, or taking it down. It's just taking me A LOT longer to get back into the swing of things and get over a lot of stuff. Being sick on top of everything else has not helped one bit. But hopefully you'll stick with it and I truly and honestly appreciate all the love and feedback you've given me. As for the rest of my stories, thank you to all that have read them and at least left a little note for them. For the readers of "While", it is NOT a Spawn story!!! I've had several complaints issued to me concerning that there has been no "Spuffy interaction or sex/kissing/hand holding" etc. And that there seems to be more focus on Dawn in this story than anything else. You need to remember 2 very IMPORTANT THINGS. 1.) S5 was all about Dawn and she will be featured heavily in this story/season rewrite. 2.) I'm giving Spike the one thing he never had: A FRIEND. Dawn is his one and true best friend!!!!!! Do the readers not realize that? Have I not made that clear? There will be no Spawn loving/sexual discovery of any kind or nature in this story. Dawn is simply HIS BEST FRIEND. With that being said, I hope the people reading it will continue to do so. I'm still working up my next chapter for this as well. A new/old character is going to emerge. That's all the hints I'm giving. I just hope *you're* really enjoying it for what I have so far. This year has been a disaster. Let me get through it so I can write again, okay? I hope whomever has me on their faves lists is patient and will bear with me. Thanks for all the feedback. It's been an awesome feeling and total bliss to see that people have read and are (hopefully) enjoying my fics. Also, the only story beta'd is "Awakening Dreams", so if you find a mistake (I've spotted a few myself in 'A Spuffy Valentine'), let me know and I will fix them. Thanks, Monica p.s. I also changed my homepage to my Tumblr page so if anyone reading me has Tumblr, friend me and go nuts!!! :D 9/28/11 Wednesday I received a very uplifting review from a reader for one of my stories that said, "when are you going to finish this? You last updated 7 MONTHS AGO!!!!!!!" Let me be clear on something, okay? I have been sick. And when I mean sick, I mean *SICK*. I'm on a medicine regime that makes me sleep a lot. It also makes me throw up most of the time too. It has left me in NO head space to write what-so-ever! Now, that does NOT mean that I will not finish my stories. That DOES NOT mean that I haven't already wrote things down for my unfinished stories. It's just that I haven't posted them yet because the chapters are still in progress or I've just had no will at all to work on them. Now, I'm not calling out anyone. I'm not being hateful towards anyone. I'm just making y'all aware because I know maybe some of y'all have thought it; but they actually came out and said it. So, as I've said before, I will never leave a story unfinished. As long as it is up, I WILL FINISH IT. I can't give you a time frame, a date, a schedule, anything. Yes, I have been on Tumblr a lot. But Tumblr is easy. There's no thinking to it. Most days I just lay in bed and hit the 'reblog' button (this is if you've been on my Tumblr). Now, is there any other questions people want to ask me? Especially about unfinished work? Because I will answer them. Just give me some time. But this has been and ALWAYS will be my creed: 'AS LONG AS A STORY OF MINE IS UP AND UNFINISHED, I WILL FINISH IT. IF IT DISAPPEARS ONE DAY AND I JUST LEAVE A NOTE, CONSIDER IT GONE AND I'M SORRY.' So, any questions? 9-30-11 Friday p.s. To my reader that asked that question, I'm sorry if I came off angry. I hope you accept my reply and apology. Wednesday was NOT a good day for me! Much MUCH love!!!!!! ~Monica |