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Joined 05-19-10, id: 2370232, Profile Updated: 05-19-10
Author has written 1 story for SpongeBob SquarePants, and Hetalia - Axis Powers.

'ello, yall. I have a DA account: http:/// I will add some FanFics in Two (2) days.

I LOVE Hetalia, Spongebob, His Dark Materials, Stily, Spandy, the rain, Archery, Poletwist (its a martial art), , and PAAASSSTTTAAA! XD lol.

I HATE My name (translated from it's various languages, it reads 'The Odd Small Handsome School'), blue cheese, SPONGEBOBxANYONE 'CEPT SANDY, Sunny days! Ja, it's true.

I'll let this speak for it self:

lol! Taken from: DA

001. Real name → Paul Oneven Alan Lascuola
002. Nickname(s)→ Nester (idk why), Oneven, Uncle.
003. Zodiac sign → Scorpio
004. Male or female → Who-wuzzit
005. Elementary → idk, different school system from this.
006. Middle School → idk
007. High School → idk
008. Hair color → Black
009. Long or short → short
010. Loud or Quiet→ Quiet, 'cept when i'm angry. (KOL,KOL,KOL)
011. Sweats or Jeans→ Usually Mantel Benen', but very occasionally jeans.
012. Phone or Camera → Neither. I'll say... E-mail (lol)
013. Health freak → Ney
014. Drink or Smoke? → Only the occasional sip of Wine or Fine Uitlijnen
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → Mayhaps. Well... Ja.
016. Eat or Drink → Of coarse i eat and drink, but only 5 bits a day.
017. Piercings → WHAT. NEY!
018. Tattoos → NEY.

019. Been in an airplane→ Of coarse! how else could i get here from Africa?
020. Been in a relationship → Err... ney.
021. Been in a car accident → Ja, but no injuries.
022. Been in a fist fight → Ney, rather un-dignified. But i have fought people before.

023. First piercing → Never.
024. First best friend → Hmm... i think it was a boy i met in the crossing from the old world. Niile' i think was the name...
025. First award → Something from throwing a metal thing farthest, i can't remember.
026. First crush → Err, only recant...
027. Favorite pokemon- Ehh? Idk, i never thought about anything like that.
028. First big vacation → If you consider moving here one, then, well, moving here.

029. Last person you talked to → Ehh, i think it was Genand over which fruit to eat, lol.
030. Last person you IMed → What is 'IM'?
031. Last person you watched a movie with → I can't remember, it was over 3 months ago.
032. Last food you ate → A piece of broccoli. (yum)
033. Last movie you watched → Spongebob: Truth or Square
034. Last song you listened to → i do not know name or artist, it was a catchy Russian tune.
035. Last thing you bought → A... Broccoli flower.
036. Last person you hugged → Well, i suppose my Niece, but idk.

037. Food → Poppy seed on bread
038. Drinks → Mint water, idk.
039. Clothing → Long cloak, over thick vest, or Green jeans with long over-coat. (i get weird looks)
040. Books → Hmm. H.D.M. i 'spose.
041. Musics → Russian stuff, Celtic stuff, etcetera.
042. Flower → Maybe... White rose?
043. Colors → Turquoise, blue, and Black
044. Movies → Spongebob.
045. Positions → Err... i have no idea what your talking about.
046. Subjects → I'm not shure.

IN 2009 I...

047. [ ] kissed in the rain
048. [ ] celebrated Halloween
049. [ ] had your heart broken
050. [ ] went over the minutes on your cell phone
051. [ ] someone questioned your sexual orientation
052. [ ] came out of the closet
053. [ ] gotten pregnant
054. [ ] had an abortion
055. [x] done something you've regretted
056. [ ] broke a promise
057. [x] hid a secret
058. [ ] pretended to be happy
059. [x] met someone who changed your life (YES, YES, YES!)
060. [ ] pretended to be sick
061. [ ] left the country
062. [x] tried something you normally wouldnt normally try
063. [ ] broke a bone
064. [X] ran a mile (way over)
065. [ ] went to the beach with your best friends
066. [X] stayed single a whole year

067. Eating → Nothing
068. Drinking → Nothing
069. I'm about to → idk
070. Listening to → Nothing
071. Plans for today → Err... it's 12-some in the morn., So i suppose prepare a bit of mint to take over to a friend's house. (The consulate is still almost a month from completion)
072. Waiting for → Someone to comment on this.

073. Want kids? → Mayhaps, slightly...
074. Want to get married? → Probably.
075. Careers in mind → I plan to stay in my currant position, unless theres a world war 3 or something.

OR :
076. Lips or eyes → Err, if you are talking of OTHER people, eyes. (or on me)
077. Shorter or taller? → I have no idea.
078. Romantic or spontaneous → Half 'n half.
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → Others and me, stomach or neither
080. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive. Ish. (for me and what i 'look' for)
081. Hook-up or relationship → Errr... idk.
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → idk.

083. Lost glasses/contacts → No. (i need a monocle)
084. Ran away from home → Er. idk. I don't have a family here, so how can i run away from it?
086. Killed somebody → Not yet, no wars before i came over here.
087. Broken someone's heart → I do not believe so.
088. Been arrested → Ney.
089. Cried when someone died → Ja, but for some reason not until just now.

090. Yourself → Somewhat.
091. Miracles → Mostly not.
092. Love at first sight → Not really.
093. Heaven → Ney.
094. Santa Claus → Ney.
095. Sex on the first date → NEEYYY!!!
096. Kiss on the first date → Depends.

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Ja...
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → Meh. Neutral.
099. Do you believe in God → Ney.
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people → Ney to second bit, i'll only tag one or two.

I got that off of DA.

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