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Joined 05-15-10, id: 2364988, Profile Updated: 02-01-15
Author has written 1 story for Naruto.

Hi there!

Um, my name is Kara.

I'm 18.

I live in the United States (ewwy)

I really love to write, but I don't do it enough at all.

I don't actually write much fanfiction at all, and when I do it is mostly Naruto. That is probably all I'll ever post.

My absolute OTP to end all OTP's is Naruto and Sasuke, I'm sorry, I love them and realise they love each other more than anything else. But I like a bunch of other ships too.

For Naruto I LOVE: ShikaTema and KibaHina, but am open for other pairings even with them.

Minor Ships for me are: NaruGaa, NejiGaa, LeeGaa, LeeSaku, SakuIno, NaruSaku (should have been canon if SasuNaruSasu wasn't) and probably more.

I absolutely hate the ending of Naruto, I hate how it made Sakura and Hinata (two girls I absolutely adore) into nothing more than shipping fodder, serving nothing other than to create babies for a contrived spinoff. So sorry, yeah.

I'm in a bunch of other fandoms too... Lot's of anime (Umm... Tokyo Ghoul, DRAMAtical Murder, No.6, Free!, Attack on Titan, Ouran High School Host Club, umm lot's more too)\

I'm always open for read requests, I don't care about the rating at all. I'm open to all pairings except incest (I'm sorry, I just can't stomach the idea of falling for a family member. Like I will not read ItaSasu fics, sorry I have two younger sisters with a similar age gap as these two, and just... no) and SasuSaku (I hate this ship with everything in me, I'm sorry if you like it but I will not read it). But I'm even open to NaruHina fics as long as Sasuke isn't with Sakura on the side (Karin or any other girl I can handle). Oh, and I'd prefer not to read any major character death fics... or Mpreg (though I'd consider it I guess).

So yeah, I don't except this profile to get popular enough that anyone will send any read requests, but I'd love to get them! I'll always review any requests I get!

So thank you for taking the time to read this, I love you loads :)

Kushina's List reviews
Kushina made a list of everything she wanted for Naruto, including what his girlfriend should be like. Sasuke does not fit the bill. Kushina-centric sasunarusasu fic. Oneshot.
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Family/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,984 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 64 - Follows: 17 - Published: 12/22/2014 - Kushina U., Naruto U., Sasuke U., Minato N. - Complete