Author has written 4 stories for Vocaloid.
I go by Chou, which is my alias
Though, my real name is Ashley.
I’m 18 years of age.
Anyhow…I’m here to write stories to whatever comes to my pretty cranium.
If you don’t like that, then scramble like eggs. D:
My main inspirations are anime, music, manga, and etc.
Ways to reach me:
Skype: ButterflyHime
: ChouHime
MSN: Chou_Chan
--MY STATUS: (01/11.2015): ... Hello? I know it's been a long ass time. But I'm here to stay and continue. My loveshot Sundae Symphony of a love triangle consisting of mikixkaitoxgakupo is coming out in a few days! If you want anything to be done soon, PLEASE send me a message so I can start working on it!
Rated: PG-13-PG-16.
Genre: Romance/Humor.
Status: HIATUS/Slowly updated.
Pairing(s): KamuiGakupoxSF-A2 Miki
Summary: The VOCALOID family lives all together with bizzare mishaps and really random scenes. Miki has taken a huge liking to Gakupo Kamui, she must overcome the drama in telling him. Will he become astonished by her secret? Will she shun herself at the different being she is?
OCs?: None.
Run-time: 1-20 chapters. Currently 4 chapters. ( Going to work on chapter five soon )
Just abandon me now!
Rated: PG-13-PG-16?
Genre: Romance/Gore?/A dash of humor.
Status: Gradual/Ongoing
Pairing(s): KamuiGakupox SF-A2 Miki
Summary: Being controlled by the government, Miki is their tool. She has to do whatever they say or they will torture her literally. This ailen girl suffers under the leash of obedience and she hides her true personality. Killing whoever gets in the government's way with her own special gun. Gakupo Kamui comes into the picture, and what will happen when he becomes her care-taker? She wouldn't be able to stand him, in a romantic way. . .
OCs?: None.
Run-time: I have no idea at the moment. I was planning this to be a one-shot, but I feel like it needs some shine-time. So...1-10 parts possibly?
(References: Just abandon me now! 01: A move has been made, your turn?-- Miki's gun, http:///albums/j257/Japanese_Butterfly/mikidangerous.jpg --Copy and Paste URL in address.)
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