![]() Real name: Like I'm gonna tell you! But some people call me Phoenix. Age: I'm 18 years old. Where do I live: South Africa, but I'm going to move to England or America. Favorite stories: There are loads...so I'll tell you the top 5: 1-Yu-Gi-Oh 2-Gundam SEED & Gunda SEED Destiny 3-Hellsing 4-Chrono Crusade 5-Black Cat Favorite characters: 1-Pharaoh Atem, Thief King Bakura, Yugi, Tristan, Duke, Joey, Mai, Tea, Serenity, Kaiba, Mokuba, Valon, Priest Seto, Priest Mahad, Mana, Kisara 2-Kira, Lacus, Cagalli, Athrun, Mu, Murrue, Shinn, Lunamaria, Shani, Orga, Crot, Sting, Auel, Stella 3-Alucard, Seras, Integra, Walter 4-Chrono. Rosette, Ezmaria, Setella, Sister Kate, Father Remington, Joshua 5-Train, Sven, Eve, Rinslet, Leon, Saya Favorite couples: 1-AtemXMana, JoeyXMai, KaibaXSerenityXTristan, Priest SetoXKisara 2-KiraXLacus, AthrunXCagalli, ShinnXLunamriaXStella, MuXMurrue 3-AlucardXSerasXIntegra 4-ChronoXRosette 5-TrainXSaya, EveXLeon OC characters: Aqua-14 years old, sister of Pharaoh Atem and snake charmer-she has light blue hair, sapphire blue eyes and usually wears a long blue dress. Dream-14 years old, sister of Cyniclon Dren and retarded alien-Dark green hair and golden eyes like her brother and usually wears green, brown and red. She is retarded because of a series of scars on her left arm, which is covered by her only sleeve. April-17 years old, biological CPU-Blond hair, orange eyes and a green/blue dress. Check out my FictionPress Stories, have a lot more going on there XD |