Amira Sukitsu II
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Joined 02-23-10, id: 2266352, Profile Updated: 02-19-11
Author has written 1 story for Prince of Tennis.

Hello everyone.

Before I get into everything, I want to mention that I did not steal my pen name from Amira Sukitsu (saying you know who that is). This is still the original Amira Sukitsu. I had decided to make this second account for my special side projects. All fics here will be for the Prince of Tennis and feature pairings that I don't usually write for. I will get into that later though. Trust me, just because I'll hate the pairing I'm writing for doesn't mean I'll slack when it comes to the actual writing.

Quick information about myself:

Name: I don't give out my real name online very often, so call me Amira Sukitsu.
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Hobbies: Writing, drawing, singing, playing tennis, listening to music, playing video games
Occupation: Attempting to be a novelist. :P

My main account can be found here:

The first major story that will be eventually written for this account is as follows:

Title: Torn Strings
Pairing: TezukaXRyoma
Summary: When they first began to go out, Ryoma tied a red string around Tezuka's wrist and then one around his own. Ryoma told him that the stings represented their love and how they were tied together by destiny. Though, a couple years later, Tezuka's string breaks off, and their relationship takes a turn for the worst.
Note: The title was created by EchizenRyomaLover as was the pairing.

As for the pairings you might find on this account, here's a list:

- TezukaXRyoma
- TezukaXFuji
- MomoshiroXRyoma
- FujiXYuuta
- OishiXEiji
- AtobeXTezuka
- Any Seigaku RegularXHorio (for laughs)

I might also include the maleXfemale pairings:

- FujiXSakuno
- AtobeXSakuno
- MomoshiroXAn
- KiriharaXAn
- KamioXAn
- RyomaXSakuno

There might also be M-preg. Yeah, it's a weird topic, but I might just go there with this account (M-preg fics may include pairings that I actually like.).

For those who are wondering why I would write fics for pairings I simply can't stand, it's really just because of pure boredom. I will only be writing fics for these pairings I don't like when I have writer's block. I actually named three pairings that I think are interesting which are FujiXSakuno, AtobeXSakuno, and KiriharaXAn.

Pillar Kiss reviews
To Tezuka, Ryoma is the pillar that holds the strength of Seigaku's tennis team within him. To Ryoma, Tezuka is the one he's falling in love with.
Prince of Tennis - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 705 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 23 - Follows: 6 - Published: 3/25/2010 - E. Ryoma, Tezuka K. - Complete