Author has written 9 stories for Code Lyoko. Hello everyone, I am Tsunamix. That's not really my name, but if I wanted to tell you my name, I'd use it as my screen name. I am a huge Code Lyoko fan and I only plan on writing stories for that particular series. My current story is Project Scipio III: Apocalypse which is doing pretty good, and I enjoy writing them as well as my fans enjoy reading them. Current Stories: Project Scipio-Complete Ulrich's Greatest Gift-Complete A Project Scipio Christmas-Complete 100 Days in the Lives of Calvin and Friends-In Progress Project Scipio 2: Race for Control-Complete Project Scipio III: Apocalypse-In Progress Future Stories: Lyoko: A World Without Danger- Excerpts of the book written by Ulrich Stern as mentioned in Project Scipio. Maybe some Post Lyoko-esque stories about my characters; I already mentioned I had plans to do one with Dennis. However, I just might incorporate those in "100 Days" instead of making them separate stories. Maybe some StarznChocolate-esque summer stories. I hope you all enjoy my stories. Pairings I Support UlrichxYumi JeremiexAelita OddxSissi OddxOC (Especially Trinity from StarzNChocolate's stories, which if you haven't read, I suggest you do so.) Pairings I'm Neutral Towards OddxSam (I don't really hate it, I just think that Odd and Sissi would make a better couple. I don't know why, it just makes sense to me.) WilliamxSissi (If I wasn't an OddxSissi supporter, I would totally be on board with this pairing; they just seem perfect for each other.) Pairings I Flat-Out HATE! (However, I will read fics with those pairings anyhow, I just won't support them.) UlrichxSissi WilliamxYumi (I'm starting to tolerate it a bit more than I used to in terms of it being in fanfiction. But I still dislike the pairing as a canonical pairing) OddxAelita UlrichxAelita JeremiexYumi Any other idiotic crack parings that people are capable of coming up with. CHAIN OF INFLUENCE: My Inspirations: StarzNChocolate (Inspiration for Romance/Comedy/Drama elements as well as being the best CL fanfic author ever) Amaherst (Inspiration for Drama/Angst elements) Mi ChIbO (Same as Amaherst) Carthage411 ('Code Lyoko Inc.' was the first CL fanfic I read that really had a deep story behind it) Stonecreek ('100 Days' partially inspired by 'Kadic Dossier') SilverPrince (Past stories (especially with Ulrich and his family) partially inspired by 'Ex Libris Lyoko') Spawnking (Author of the first Code Lyoko fanfic I've read, 'Near Death') My Protege(e)s: effin emo (Her story, Second Generation Relapse, is mostly inspired by my story) Commacazy Freak (Convinced him to start an account and gave him fanfiction tips; came up with title for 'Race for Control') If your one of the people who don't do the copy/paste things in peoples' profiles because your ignorant or just don't care about voicing your views by using something that's been done to death, copy/paste this into your profile. I am now accepting artwork for my story, Project Scipio. If you're interested, PM me. Project Scipio Pics: By effin emo. Colors by Sohaina. Thaddeus Stern (WWI): /albums/z430/effinemo13/Thaddeus.png Project Scipio Group Pic (In avatar): /albums/z430/effinemo13/CodeLyokoPS.png (Black and White) By Adventurer411 Antea Belpois: http:///gallery/#/d4jtkk6 Calvin Stern: http:///gallery/#/d4jwxrl Rumiko Stern: http:///gallery/#/d4lv4p3 By Shinoda All pics can be found here: http:///user/Dustin-James_Lee/library/?sort=3&page=1 More Coming Soon... Note: May show as 404 Error. If so, please take out everything before 'i1189' in the URL bar. |
Adventurer411 (14) effin emo (2) | RayBansandSkittles (34) SnowPrincessMossy (58) | StarzNChocolate (0) XtraXplosions (21) |