Author has written 3 stories for Twilight. So I live up in the Canada where some of us actually say Eh...and no I don't live in an igloo hahah. I'm unfortunately turning 30...ughhhh... and lovvvvve twilight... I have written four stories. Don't live in regret Olive you...won admin choice in the TFA Summer Fantasy Contest http:///albums/z323/oneofeddiesgirls/TFAsJudgesPick.jpg BANNER MADE BY WhatObsession17 Swing My Way- cowritten with AriCullen1134 And a one shot that is on AriCullen1134 profile...please go read it... - You never think you would wake up and your life will be taken, throwing you in a world you never knew existed. Bella sees life through the black market only to be sold as a virgin beauty.Please no one under 18, rape, suicide, love and angst Rated MA I am married to a wonderful man that seems to understand my twilight addiction...I said seems lol...he struggles to understand how I actually watch the twilight movies over and over without getting sick of it. I work six days a week most of the time with twelve hour shifts. So i get home late at night and sit my butt down and write on my laptop or else I'm on my blackberry typing in my ideas so i don't forget them. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my twi sisters xoxoxoxo and family...MUAH Swing My Way videos i made one to david ghuetta- memories and Crazy Bitch made by Ari *NEW* Robert Pattinson- Video Phone Robert Pattinson- RobManiPorn Robert Pattinson- Im the ish OR add me on facebook...Dontlive Inregret I'm always looking to meet new people who share in my addiction since my poor husband has to most of the time... Here' s some links to videos that I love to gets me in the mood to write and WHO doesn't want to watch Rob... AND MY FAVORITE KRISTEN AND ROB VIDEO...from the Vanity Fair Shoot Check out my video that Aricullen1134 made |
AriCullen1134 (1) AwesomeSauce76 (4) busymommy (15) CaraNo (3) eifeltwr (9) | feathersmmmm (0) i'm random girl (4) Jay's World (12) ManiacMotherland (9) QuantumFizzx (13) | Robicorn (10) rosaliehale1994 (1) solostintwilight (6) twimamma (1) WingsOfEyeliner (1) |