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Joined 12-24-09, id: 2190235, Profile Updated: 12-25-09
Author has written 1 story for Twilight.

Hi Everyone!!

Araeo's (Alison) birthday is coming up on January 23rd. She is turning the big 3-0! To help celebrate her big day we though we would write her a little something.

You have two choices (you can do both if you want). The first is to write a 1000 word fic (More is perfectly acceptable) that must be:

Edward and Bella

She is a bit of a science nerd, and loves some Geek/Dork/Nerdward.
She also loves her some Darkward.

Your second choice is... participation in a round robin.

Basically, its like that game grapevine or telephone that you played in school only via writing. Each participant will receive the last section written and will use that as their starting point to write a couple paragraphs. The only prompt you get is the last authors contribution, and you can take it wherever you want. You end up with a silly, random story where anything can happen.

To participate or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at AmeryMarie@. If you'd like to participate please email me your PenName, your email addy, a link to you Fanfiction.net profile page and specify what part (or both) you want to participate in.

Thanks for helping us celebrate Ali's birthday. Feel free to forward this on to anyone that may want to participate, but remember that this is a secret, we don't want Ali to know about it.

Deadline will be January 18th. Entries will be accepted any time between now and then.

The Round Robin will start soon. Please let me know if you are interested so I can get you added to the list.

Please send all files in .doc format, requests to join Round Robin or any questions to AmeryMarie@

Updates to info can be found at http://www.fanfiction.ws/~happybirthdayauthor

Happy Birthday, Araeo! reviews
A Round Robin-style collaboration and indiviual oneshots in celebration of FF writer Araeo's birthday! Join the fun and give her your warm wishes! Must be 18 to read. Mature audiences only. Lemons and limes.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 14,340 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 18 - Follows: 2 - Published: 1/23/2010 - Bella, Edward - Complete