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Joined 12-18-09, id: 2183058, Profile Updated: 06-11-10
Author has written 1 story for Hetalia - Axis Powers.

One and Only left_cat, with an underdash...which fanfiction does not allow at all...TAT

Since I can't draw, I come to torture the world with my pen/computer.

English is not my first language, feel free to correct me if you see grammar/spelling mistake.

Prefer Genus is Humor, Supernatural and mystery, but I am picky about them, very very picky.

I am ok with Romance as long as it has 90% Humor in it. Cannot stand see two lover stare into each other's eyes and argue who love who more... OTL...

No offend to any Romance writer though, I know there are a few really good Romance writer, but just like there is someone in the world who can't eat stand the sight of cheese, romance is not my favorite fanfiction type.

QwQ and an old statement of me "I am a little kitty with claw as sharp as knife~ ve~"

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