As you may have noticed, everything once housed here has been removed. I have not been active in the fandom in well over a year. It was time to make a clean break. I struggled with this decision, but ultimately decided that all good things must come to an end. Please rest assured, I have not given up on writing, nor will I. At this time, I'm simply focusing on the many original stories floating around in my head. I've loved my time in this fandom. I have loved writing and reading. Most of all, I have loved getting to know all of you. But if I've learned anything over the last five years, it's that friendship isn't a "fandom or bust" kind of deal. It surpasses the stories we found here. It outlasts drama, tears, and some of the insane, terrible things that we've watched happen in and to this fandom. Mostly though, friendship changes, grows, and challenges us in each and every phase of our lives. I may not have time to invest in the fandom anymore, or into writing fanfiction, but I will always have time to invest in my friendships with all of you. You can find me on Facebook as Ayden Morgen, on Twitter @AKMorgen, or via email at aydenmorgen at gmail. I hope you will. I'd like to know how things are going for you. I wish you all well. xoxo, Ayden |