Author has written 12 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer. I will be thoroughly shocked if anyone is reading this right now, but... I've kind of retired from fanfic, but kind of haven't as well. I'm now writing under the username 'Cloud Forest' for BtVS fanfiction, and my primary archive will likely be 'Elysian Fields'. It's been almost a decade since most of my stories have been published, and I plan to actually rewrite one or more of them in the (perhaps distant) future. If and when that occurs, I will likely be removing the original versions from this site, as I don't really see the point of keeping what will essentially amount to 'rough drafts' around. If that occurs, but you still want access to the old stories, I will be happy to e-mail you the old versions. The victim(s) so far: Sliding Door Please e-mail at: cloud_forest_ [at] hotmail [dot] com Thank you for reading, I truly appreciate it :) |