Poll: This question is more directed towards the MLP fics I'm currently working on; do you guys feel that the chapters are too short? Vote Now!
Author has written 3 stories for Naruto, My Little Pony, and Bleach. I, XSomeGuyX, do solemnly swear to review all the fics I read, regardless of the number of reviews, its age, or anything else. I have joined the review revolution. Sorry, I've kept profile pretty blank. I really don't have much say on here so I just decided to not say anything but I've been seeing other author's pages that simply state what they'll be working on and what new projects to expect. I'll try to add as many stories as possible to the list below, along with a short description. My works in-progress (stories that I am working on): A Darker Hero (An OC central story, will contain many anime/manga) The Check-Up Blues (An MLP story, will be much, much shorter than my main story but it will still contain a good, sizable amount of chapters. My estimate: about 10 or less.) The Heartbreaker and Cultivator (Another MLP story, this one dealing with a problem occurring with the relationship between Rarity and Spike and a new crush forming with Applejack) (Work on this story has officially begun) New ideas for stories (stories that are not currently in the writing stage yet): None at the moment. Once again, I'm open to suggestion that you, my fans, would like to make though they might be formed slowly because I'm trying to juggle three stories at once. Abandoned or loss of interest stories (dead in the water stories, no longer being worked on): I will try to keep this section empty, I'd rather finish my works than leave them half done. Also, if you have ideas for any stories that you like to be seen written (fandoms that I'm unfamiliar with will not be shot down immediately. If you point me in the right direction, I might read or see the anime/manga to see whether I'm interested or not), please feel free to PM me any suggestions and I'll respond right away. From there I can tell you whether the idea has some potential for me to write it or not (in other words, whether I'm interested or not). Thank you for not only reading my stories but taking the time to visit my profile. And I also want to remind you all to continue to: Read, Review and, above all else, Enjoy! |
AngelIre (1) Espada175 (3) helovestowrite (23) | Madam'zelleG (49) Sirus7009 (40) The Bitter Kitten (10) | truthsetfree (0) |