Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter. So, here is the place where I write things about myself, right? If you're still reading this, well, stop! Go read the stories and leave a review! It's a known fact that writers glomps reviews like they eat chocolate. About Hepatica: I'm very impressed that you submitted so many meanings, even the ones I didn't have in mind! What I was thinking about when I choose this particular flower was trust. The other meanings you came up with could actually apply to this situation, but I like trust better because I think it's going to be an issue in this fic. (oh my, this fic actually will have an issue?) About the color, I would disappoint you by saying that I choose white because blue, the other color of the flower, wasn't as pretty. But some of you actually made a link between white and innocence, purity, etc, which is something that I, the author, should have considered... (bad author!) Enough rambling for now. I'm working on next chapter and it'll be out soon (hope for after Christmas?). me=slow. So, as a consolation, I'll give you little harry and draco gingerbread. Mmm... that's an idea, wonder if it's doable, anyone care to try? It's a dare:) LATEST NEWS: Not sure if anyone ever reads this stuff, but I just wanted to say that I've put The Dare indefinitely on hold. I'm sorry! I loved the reviews you guys sent me and I was really encouraged to continue, but it's been a long while and nothing has come up, writing wise, although a lot has happened real world , just to tell you guys not to expect anything fromme for quite a while.thanks. |