![]() Author has written 7 stories for Les Miserables, Psycho, and Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. ah-- a place for a profile-- who knew? Needless info-- I love to write, hoping that there may be people out there who like to read what I've written. 'GONE' is my first published piece on Fanfiction, an attempt at soft 'slash', for lack of a better term. I am a Victorian, who lives in one 'museum', and works in another one. Formerly employed in the medical profession, human as well as animal, also police department employee, now museum curator, with freelance art and writing gigs on the side. Among other addictions-- antiques, reenacting, history, edged weapons, -- sabre fencer, artist, vintage clothing collector-- many pets-- anyone actually want to hear all this? Fab. 19, 2013--another update so soon?? Seems to me of late several FF authors have been plagued by nindless bullying. Haters, I guess they are called. For reasons surpassing understanding, certain small minds register a new pen name on FF, don't author a thing, and start taking out their inadequacies on others. I've seen it happen with several FF friends, and all it amounts to is bullying. The 'haters' are obviously either jealous, ignorant, have severe inferiority issues, need a diaper change, or most likely all of the above. And then, yesterday, I find one of these charming little lowlifes has zeroed in on me. For whatever reason-- like this sort of petty annoyance needs a reason-- the individual newly registered as Dumbldorepowpow left a 'review' for 'Requiem, the Vampire Javert' which started off with the acdmission that they hadn't even read it. I have left that review on for a laugh as well as the second left by RedAdmiralV-- the same character, since the first was blocked, and really, how stupid is this perp? After all this time I attract two completely unrelated sad little characters within a day of each other? So it's good for a laugh, anyway. Do people like this even KNOW how they sound? My heart goes out to all other bonafide readers and writers here on FF who have been subjected to little minds like this. All for now! Backwards the other way around: JANUARY 18, 2013: do we update at the bottom or top? Well, we're already here, so I'm going with it... Recent news: I'm still alive and still submitting stuff to FF. Do not be alarmed, fans of Javert, I have not abandoned any of the stories in progress here, but I do get delayed now and again-- oh that pesky muse! Case in point-- I have submitted chapter one of a rather long Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves fic which, while not predating Javert in my affections, DOES predate the posted Javert writings. I will not confess precisely when the Only Rose was written, but it took me literally years due to the afore mentioned muse problems. I don't get writer's block so much as 'shiny red firetruck syndrome'. So in the thick of things several chapters along, Guy managed to get himself captured by a rather nasty group of woodsmen and, well, I sorta left him tied to a tree for about a year while I ran off chasing firetrucks and writing other things. SO The Only Rose is not a new thing I've written, just a new thing I've posted. Due to length and content I suppose I will post random chapters that include Will Scarlett, Azeem, the Sheriff and other familiar characters from the film-- after all, who wants to wade through pages full of Gisbourne's fumbling attempts at a romantic relationship?-- besides ME of course! All for now-- thanks for your time and I hope you'll find something of interest here to read and review, between Inspector Javert, Norman Bates and Guy of Gisbourne. Ah! The men in my life! Cheers! Yes, yes, I know-- August 2012 and I dare show my head. Managed to add a new chapter of Prince of Liars, that's been sitting around gathering dust for about a year...or two. I have been writing, but nothing new for here except perhaps more life with Norman stuff. BUT I fully intend to write more to the Vampire Javert! Yes-- it's earliest attempts were made in a collaberation with Darth Pooky about 3 years ago. We got as far as chapter 5, and I don't know exactly what happened but there it sits. I have meanwhile worked the whole thing out in my head and at the risk of beiong accused of double-posting, will likely gank my chapters and segments back to post a complete tale here. Interested? Let me know and I'll hustle faster! Meanwhile, what other deviltry has everyone been up to here? Hmmmm? Update CHRISTMAS- sheesh! i was here before to write this and ended up just spell-checkin'! Wanted to mention that there are some very awesome people posting to FF-- writers and readers-- who I have met thus far and many folks whose works I am enjoying-- sory if I don't always remember to leave reviews and I hope to be more diligent with that in the future. And be sure to check out the Vampire Javert, a colab presently underway with Darth Pooky-- you can find it on her page. All for now-- cheers! Just for the heck of it, a word to the wise-- there's blatant 'Mary-Sueism' in some of my stuff-- and so what? If I don't care, why should you? SELF-SERVING, that's what we're all about! Whee! Seriously-- what I write for FF is for fun and not to be confused with what is written for a living. Sneer if you must, but then don't waste your time reading it. It would be lovely if everyone just GOT OVER IT-- instead of acting like it's a bad thing for anyone to just WRITE what they feel-- apart from slamming on others. Stickin' with cheesy labels? Ballocks! Let's not take ourselves too seriously. Fan fiction is just that-- On another note-- and while I have the greatest respect for those FF writers who live by what is called 'canon'-- please don't expect others to follow the same rule. Let's face it, the moment anyone sets out to put pen to paper (or finger to keyboard) to write about an existing character created by another author, true 'canon' flies out the window. Anything more than what appears in the the original work is pure FF, no matter how well it is grounded. And ff is essentially ALL AU, no? Copying a personality, based on the bits in a book, film, or TV show works for some-- but not all-- writers. Personally, I think it's great that people are that devoted to their particular approaches to writing whatever it is-- usually such authors are pleasure to read. That said, my Javert, while possibly bearing resemblance to certain 'rules-of-Hugo', or at least a film or two, is still a product of fiction-- in this case, my fiction. It is hoped that what I've written can be enjoyed for what it is-- and if not, that's good, too. There is plenty of Les Mis stuff on this site, some of stunning quality, too, and my efforts will detract from none of that. GAK! I sound miserably cranky-- well I'm not-- really! My thanks to all who have paused to read this, or any of my stories. And I am grateful if you decide to take time to review them, as constructive comments are appreciated-- but please don't use reviews to air your ego! Anything else you want to know? Just drop me a line! Thanks again-- be well! May 28, 2010 Well, have finished by Psycho saga at last and posted the final 2 chapters today. Norman has been a delight to write, and I hope those of you who have been reading, and see it through to to finale will be pleased, as well. And of course, reviews and comments are always appreciated! HOLY SCHMOKES!! It's APRIL 7th 2011!! Has it been so long since I've published anything here? Gad zooks. AND my computer was in the shop these last 2 weeks and I totally missed my beloved Tony Perkins' birthday! Well, spurred on by a few reviews I was dabbling with Prince of Liars again...remember that? Been totally derailed but not completely abandoned...yet. Maybe even more Norman Bates will appear in a Shattered sequel soon. Time will tell... |