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Joined 10-22-09, id: 2122655, Profile Updated: 05-13-10
Author has written 2 stories for Misc. Plays/Musicals, and Warcraft.

I would like to say few things. I am sorry for not uploading "so often", I hardly ever sit in front of my comp. You know, school is very important to me, and in my "free time" I usually play guitar.
Anyway, I will try to do something here. I don't know why, but my favorite genre is tragedy and angst. Romance after that. Also, do NOT think I am EMO or gay, or something. I think that good story must have well described emotions. In my stories I will put as much emotions I can, like in my fic "Vengeance" for Warcraft. I hope that you will review my stories, and, perhaps, give me some advices.
About my fictions. Okay. I don't have much time to watch movies, animes, play games, or read books unrelated with school. My fictions will concentrate on metal bands I listen to. And other fandoms will be Warcraft, Lord Of The Rings, Harry Potter, Hellsing, Claymore and L4D.
About pairings... Well, I like yuri. So, pairings wil be:
Warcraft: Jaina P. and Sylvanas W.
Lord Of The Rings: Arwen U. and Eowyn
Harry Potter: Fleur D. and Hermione G.
Hellsing: Integra H. and Seras V.
Claymore: Teresa and Irene (I think they are the best pairing ever!)
About music. I think that good story can be written only with good music. But I don't like songfics. I don't know why. My favourite bands/songs are:
1. Kamelot: The Haunting, Forever, Rule The World
2. The Agonist: Forget Tommorow, Void Of Sympathy, And Their Eulogies Sang Me To Sleep
3. Epica: Never Enough, Unleashed, Crystal Mountain (Death Cover)
4. Death: Lack Of Comprehension, Crystal Mountain, The Philosopher
5. Children Of Bodom: Follow The Reaper, Hate Me, Trashed, Lost and Strungout
That's it for now!

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The Vengeance reviews
This is the story about the fall of Illidan Stormrage, and sad love between Maiev Shadowsong and Naisha.
Warcraft - Rated: T - English - Romance/Tragedy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,698 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 1 - Published: 12/19/2009 - Maiev Shadowsong - Complete
Last Words reviews
Children Of Bodom lost their singer/guitarist.Here's the reason why...
Misc. Plays/Musicals - Rated: T - English - Tragedy/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 565 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 6 - Published: 12/10/2009 - Complete