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Joined Jul 17, 2009, id: 2010905, Profile Updated: Feb 7, 2012
Author has written 1 story for Drakengard.

I'm always so busy with school, music, drawing, forum duties and other random stuff I get distracted in that writing is just not one of my main daily activities. Not that I was good at it anyways, but I might try to write more stores again sometime, perhaps I'll start one on Spring Break next month I think. I've got a Creative Writing class here for my final year of High School, I might get to write a fanfiction story in that class so I might just have something to post here after all this time. I'm not good at writing but the last junk I did post here was not good so I deleted it, I can at least write a little better than that now I do hope, I just have little patience to read long stories let alone write them so that would be my main dilemma.

Angelus and Caim: Before the End reviews
The begining of the end of a powerful bond between two beings. Prelude to a video that I created Check inside for more details .
Drakengard - Rated: T - English - Poetry/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 103 - Reviews: 1 - Published: Sep 1, 2009 - Complete