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Author has written 11 stories for Wrestling. ThiNgSz Y00H Sh0uld Kn0w Ab0ut ME MinDyxANgel Als0 Kn0wn ASZ !!S0RaNd0m!! iiM A Very C00l Pers0n and Very Easy To get Al0ng with Yes i Have an Attitude Problem but Asz l0ng asz y0u D0n't make me mad then me and y00H Can Be BESTFRiENDSz!!l0l iiM A SENi0r in High Sch00l YESz 2010 iiM 18 im MiXed iM Black and ShinCock inDian i Abs0lutely L0ve Wrestling and UFC y00h wnt Catch me Writing Ab0ut anything But Wrestling i L0ve Writing in SLANG!! aSz y00h Can Tell Plsz Dnt Think iM Dumb Bkuz 0f The WAY i Spell My W0rdsz.. NEWS.FLASHiiM D0in it 0n Purp0se Acc0untsFACE.B00k&MYSPACe FACE.B00k ME S0meTimes.. AIM EvryNyggaFantasy.iNSTaNt.MESSaGE ME W0n't bite. And if Y00h Have N0t heard Well im G0in t0 Tell y00h 00Kay S0 iiM Extremely Excited i G0t this Really An0ying Virus 0ff My C0mputer..all By myself alert: security tool is a virus D0 N0t D0wnL0ad it... My Cl0se Friendsz 00n FF Are xXxRysieMicksKellsRiaxXx DaTashia525 Hailey EGaN Abs0lutely l0ve them without them i would have st0pped writing along time ago like really FaV.Pairings(WWE) RaNdyxMiCkie-MiNDyFav. 0f All Time TEdxMiCkie--TECkieS0 Kute Luv them RAndyxKellyRelly Evan BourneXKellyOkay S0 they Dnt HAve a NAMEl0l JOhNxMiCKieYaY Favorite Divas Past ANd PreSent MiCKIE BETH PHEONIX-She'is Turning FACE FiNally t0m0rr0w Everyb0dy tUne it..YAY NATalYA Victoriatara CandiCe MiChelle Trish Stratus Lita Kelly Kelly The BellAs Melina MAryse Gail Kim Eve Molly holly Lita Abs0lutely Hate Past And Present MicHELLE mCc00l-i Admit She is Talented But she will Never be a Mickie James Layla-g0 Back to the U.k..l0l KAtie Lee Maria-She isz Sweet But SHE SUCKS!! Jazz..Ugh iV0ryWTF!! Fav0rite WrestLers Past And Present Randy 0rt0n The R0ck St0ne C0ld Bret Hart Bastista John Cena TED Dibiase Jr. Cody Rhodes Mark Henry Chris MAsters Y0shi Tatsu Vladimir Kozlov-He Became an AMerICanYAY K0fi Kingst0n Jtg&Shadthey Are fr0m New y0rkand S0 am i G0tta l0ve them CHristian Edge DH Smith Tyson Kidd Jim "The Anvil" NiedHart Bret Hart Rey Mysterio Aj Styles Suicide Sam0a J0e Chris Ben0itR.i.P TestR.I.P Eddie GuerreroR.i.P Kane Evan B0urneVery Talented The MizL0ve Him 4rm his MTv Daysz Fav0rite Tag Teams The LegacyNumber 0ne Hart F0undati0n The HArt Dynasty CriMe TiME Abs0lutely HAte RiC FlairRubsz Me the Wrong WAy Hulk H0ganSeri0uslyW.E W0rld Eliteg0 Back t0 y0ur 0wn DaMN C0untryiif Y00h HAte The U.s S0 much rhiN0B0ring TNA Peri0d iisZ b0ringUgHHH Any MAny MAny M0re Check 0ut ayebeehmehx3and XxFutureWWEDivaxX St0ries they are Really G00d Writers if you came on my profile to criticize my stories then clicked the ex-button okay i don't have time for that. if y00h Dnt like My St0ries then i suggest y00h d0n't read T00 My Supp0rters Wht W0uld i D0 with0ut y00h wh0 Kn0wsz i thank Y0u f0r all y0ur Supp0rt and All the reviewsz Thank y0u very Much and When i was D0wn and Th0ught Ab0ut Giving Up 0n Writing y00h Where there T0 lift my Head up Thank y0u s0 much Hailey Egan kandyandrellyfan4life pink-white4eva (Welcome Back) Natalya's Calgary Mansion SCh00l iiS BACk iiN SeSSi0n and i can't write as much like i use to!! |
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