My dear readers,
as you've probably already noticed, I haven't updated my story in a while and so I decided to take "Behind The Legend" down for a while.
I'm truly sorry, but be assured that this is only a temporary hiatus. I have not abandoned this project!
In fact, there will be an update and even a new project soon, so please stay tuned! Thanks for your support and your patience.
Next Update:
Behind The Legend, New Chapter
100 Puzzle Pieces Challenge, Introduction
My Top 3 Fanfiction Rules:
1. It's FANfiction!
Please abide by the basic rules of canon.
I don't say "Don't bring in your own ideas" -
But nothing's worse than a character who is so OOC that all the reader recognizes is their name.
2. Don't Apologize!
Personally, I'm not going to waste my time on reading a story that not even the author likes.
If you feel the need to warn your readers about the bad quality of your fic, then why did you publish it?
3. Don't Hold Your Story Hostage!
It's intolerable to blackmail your readers with author's notes that say "I need X reviews before I update".
Everybody likes reviews, but if you don't write for the sake of writing, then maybe you shouldn't write at all...