Author has written 42 stories for Wrestling. Name: Alex Birthday: January 1986 I have chosen to delete the story Somebody's Been Drinking to revamp it, rewrite and change some things around that will be brought back as soon as possible. There are other stories I was working on such as Stand By Me, From The Ground Up, Who She Became and Place Called Home that I haven't abandoned I just hit a road block with them and promise to return back to them as soon as I feel some type of inspiration. Piece it Together, Music To My Heart and Circumstance are up in the air at this moment. I hope to return back to them as well. I also have three new stories in the works that I am currently drafting up to do but I promise I will continue on with The Choice and Life As We Know It. Also please I ask graciously for reviews on my stories as you read them. Feedback is very important to me as I depend on the opinions of the readers whether they are good or bad. It doesn't have to be much maybe a line or two it can even be a long review analyzing the chapter (those are my favorite) Just please give me something. Reviews and feedback from my readers helps me know what to change, what direction to take my story and also shows me there is still a general interest in my stories without the reviews and lack of feedback I'm not sure to continue or not and don't know how I am doing with my writing so please leave me some reviews as you read the stories. I currently have 39 stories some inactive that I will be coming back to. My main character that I enjoy writing about is Roman Reigns but sometimes I like to change it up and use Dean Ambrose as a main character and I plan to branch out into other superstars. Some of my subject matter is tough dealing with miscarriages, stillbirth, rapes and tough topics but also I spend a lot of time writing romance stories. I have one story in the works that I want to branch out and try something new. I appreciate everyone's support and everyone that reviews, favorites and follows my stories and even those that follow me or favorite me. I want to do a lot of revamping to my writing style and break away from a lot of the classic plots I use. I'm also up for requests and if you have an idea that you would like to see me write or a certain person you would like to see me write about just hit my inbox and we can talk about it. I am a nice person and I have met some great friends on Fanfiction so please feel free to message me whenever you like with any questions, suggestions or ideas. |