Author has written 8 stories for Harry Potter. Hello fellow fanfic readers and writers! Monini is actually two people, H and M (yes, like the store), who have made this account together. We've both been reading fanfiction for years (mainly Dramione) but haven't ever written anything before. But this summer, M is in a different city with nothing to do, and so she decided to start writing fanfiction, and convinced H (who has things to do, but finds Draco far more entertaining) to write as well. Thus, monini was born. Favorite Ships! H: Draco/Hermione M: Draco/Hermione, Anything with Bill or Charlie Weasley, Harry/Hermione occasionally, Remus/Sirius Fics Authored by H: Four Against One, The True Meaning of Winning, The Cave, Salvation (chapter story) M: Someone Worthwhile, Of Useless Fights and Unwanted Knights, We Conserve Only What We Love (chapter story) |