Author has written 12 stories for Stargate: SG-1, and Sanctuary. Hey you! Thanks for visiting my profile. I wish I had something really cool to show you now that you're here, but no. I would offer you a drink, but you'd have to get it yourself. There's no way I'm flying over and we're completely virtual here... I'm sure there's a sci-fi solution to this problem though. ;) I mainly write character driven stories about every day events (the sci-fi kind. You know... 'Aliens made them do it whoopsie AU oh hey an abnormal!' -every day events). I love to read FF in which the world needs saving and the characters do loads of accurate techno babble, but it's not what I do. There are way better writers out there who can come up with true action packed storylines. In fact, there are better writers out there period ;). I don't write fan fiction to show off my skills, I do it for the love. :P Also... I admit to being a crappy updater at times. *blushes* Stories in progress: Never Broken From Where You Are Uncomplete for now: In My Life |