Author has written 34 stories for ER, StarTrek: Voyager, West Wing, X-Files, Will and Grace, Lord of the Rings, Moulin Rouge, Signs, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Gladiator. I live in the UK, obsessed with literature and creating it. On I've a whole range of ER fics (Carter/Anna was my shipperdom), West Wing fics (Sam/Mallory especially), angsty Moulin Rouge fics, angsty Signs fics, angsty Gladiator fics, Pirates of the Carribbean comedy and many weird and wonderful crossovers (Trek/West Wing/ER/Will & Grace/Moulin Rouge). I have original poetry archived on for those interested. My deepest and darkest obsession by far is 'Lord of the Rings' and I've finally completed a bit of lore of my own, 'The Return to Torech Ungol', and am working on some A/A fic. My only ethic from now on in is that my writing be original, inventive and not conform to your usual fanfiction, that's why I experiment with 1st person POV, the present tense and inconclusive endings as I find lack of resolution more demanding for the writer and the reader. You should be engaged by writing and not spoon fed. But then again, I love comedy and a bit of fluff sometimes! it's the air that I breathe! Look forward to hearing from you -- Anna :o) |