Author has written 6 stories for Tales of the Abyss, Final Fantasy X, and Kingdom Hearts. Heya, my name's Maccy, Maccy-Dee, or "Girl over there!" I'll probably answer to all of the above, or anything else you wish to call me that isn't vulgar. (: I have been writing for about 3 years now, mainly as a hobby. Anyway, for the most part, I write fanfiction and roleplay now, or at least, I attempt to. Sometimes I lose my muse, and he takes my writing ability with him. In other words, I lack consistency quite frequently. So, this is a warning beforehand, if and when I post an actual chapter story here, updates wil scarcely be often. That could be a lie, though. It depends. c: I do take requests. Send me something via Private Message, and I'll see what I can do for you. (: I'm gonna' cut it off there, but I do hope to meet you all and read your own fanfics and originals writings. Tah-Ta, my Little Duckies |
CaideSin (100) Dowlsay (1) firewu (12) GradGirl2010 (31) Nimrod The Writer (22) | Nyxic (0) organization-fan (18) silesses (55) | Xed14thKey (9) |