![]() Author has written 12 stories for Supernatural, and Hetalia - Axis Powers. Hay there! I'm CoffeeSpazzumUSA!! or Kimi ;D. Wanna know something funny? I don't like coffee! But I do love the smell. I get crazy and hyper for no reason sometimes, like I drank a bunch of Coffee but I never did XD So i'll give u a little info here, 98 percent of teenagers do or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2 percent who hasn't, copy and paste this into your profile Name: CoffeeSpazzumUSA, Kristen, Or Kimi. Age: PFFFTTT PERVERT Location: Unites States of America (pffft, like the last 3 letters in my username wasnt a give away) Oh yeah, and i'm always running around Hyrule! Gender: Female. GIRL POWWEEERRRRR. Sports: Ice Hockey - thats right bitches- Likes: UHhhhh. A LOT of things! like hot boys for instance! -drools from a picture of Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, Henrik Lundqvist, Brandon Dubinsky, Mike Del Zotto or a hot Yaoi picture- Dislikes: People who drink to the point of getting drunk, Smokers, Spiders, my brother sometimes, when I get frusteraited. Hobbies: Drawing, Writing, practecing my shot (Hockey), going on the comp, talking and hanging out with friends, looking at hot men. Favorite movies: Pirates of the Caribbean, Transformers, The Producers. (I can sings all the songs...yes...I can XD) Music: LOVE Classic rock but i'm also a fan of the music thats "in" but I Can listen to Journey and Meat Loaf forever (I grew up listening to Meat loaf) along with AC/DC and Heat of the moment by Asia!! CAUSE ITS THE HEEEAATT OF THE MOMENNNTTT! Favorite Pairings? 1) America and England (Axis powers hetalia) (Those pairings are tied xD, I LOVE them both!!!!) 2) North Italy and Germany (Axis Powers Hetalia) 3) Sweaden and Finland (APH) 6) Romano and Spain (APH) -There are probably more but I forget them XD- So yeahhhhh, thats me! If you Fav a story please leave a review on why you faved it!! =) One more thing. Critism: If you hate the story and choose to bash someone about their grammar or spelling I suggest you just simply click the back button and look for another story. if you are going to call someone a sixth grader for simple stuff, . plus, you are just being a bully. especially in the fact that you are writing that review without even having an account. what, are you scared or something? coward. I can take critism. I'm in APart AND play ice hockey. if you give me or anyone else NICE layback critism thats one thing. but calling one stupid or shameful. whem my friend, YOU are the shameful person. it disgusts me. ~Kimi, Out. (aka coffeespazzumUSA) Stories: If I can't have you: This is a song fic from the song "If I can't have you" from Meat Loaf. A simple story about Dean and Cass talking to each other in Bobby's safe room, talking about the love they have for each other. I wouldn't call this an AU. But almost any slash story is an AU isn't it? -I put it as not complete because I might do other song fics. The Love story of Dean and Cass: An AU for the Winchesters and Angels, (and maybe even some Demons,) Romeo and Juliet! The Winchesters are now the Montaques and life a life of theft and underground dealing, (kind of like the mob.) After the death of Mary, John Montague vows to always go againts the police force who killed her. The Capulets. Who are sometimes called "The Garrison." No one has ever lay an eye on their cheif except for a couple lieutenant's. Castiel is one of the youngets Capulets and is not allowed to go on any of the police calls and so he rebels and runs off with non other than Dean Montaque. - In progress. Forever Human: After the tragety of Castiel loosing his 'angel mojo' and becoms human. Dean and Cass both reveal the true love that they have with each other and have one last night of loving each other before they go to face Lucifer the next day. - this is in progress but I don't know if I am going to write any more chapters to it yet. The perfict girl?: The perfict girl is not an AU. And is not slash. it invlolves Dean and Sam going on a hunt in Texas when they stumble upon the Trickster who is playing with the town untill he notices that the Winchesters are in town. The Trickster wants to teach Dean yet another lesson, the lesson of learning to let go of the things you love (pretty much towards Sam and what he might have to become.) So the Trickster turns Dean's beloved Impala into a beutiful human that seems almost like the perfict girl for Dean. - Complete. Forever Yours: This is a fic I got inspired by from a picture on DeviantARt. http:///art/SPN-Forever-Yours-151658409 this link is to my fic and the preview is the picture I got inspired from. its a simple Dean and Cass love scene. Dean wants to get away from Sam to be alone with Cass so Dean takes Cass for a ride. Simple kissing in the first chapter, then the actual sex scene is in the second chapter: -Complete EHarmony Nightmear: An AU love triangle/square between Dean, Sam, Cass and Anna. - Im progress: I dont know if im going to keep writing this seeing as how I now hate Anna, XD we shall see ~ A Day at the fair: this was also inspired by a picture on DeviantArt. Dean and Sam are little kids on there own while John is out on a hunt, Jimmy Novak, a student at the locak Catholic high school see's the boys and somehow has the strong erg to help them. So he asks the boys if they want to go to the local town fair with him so he can 'watch over them.' -Complete Finding You: These are some short stories about how Cass was alwasy watching over Dean, ever since he was a kid. And Dean have never realized it was Cass untill now and feels more in love with him than ever. - In progress/Complete: There might be more chapters like these in the future, thats why this is not complete, yet it is. Only you will I ever hold: A simple brotherly love and or Winchest, however way you want it to be. Sam gets a cold and when he falls asleep he has a dream flashback to when they were kids and after the flashback Sam realizes how much Dean truly loves him. (I be;ieve I did this for a 'brotherly love' contest in DeviantArt, witch I won!) -Complete Your Glowing feather: This was my first 'sex slash' scene and I am still quite proud of it. Dean catches a cold and while Sam is out, Cass cures it with a magical angel kiss and things spiral upward after that. -Complete. Jai Ho- Victory to thee: This is one of my Hetalia Fics. I LOVE HETALIA! this is one of my best fanfics of hetalia so I decided to put it up here. Arthur and Alfred are in the dessert in search of oil when Arthur finds himself chasing Alfred in the dessert on Dune buggies, flies off of a dune and the next thing he knows he is in an American base with Alfred grinning face. |