Poll: What do you want me to write more of? Vote Now!
Author has written 37 stories for Phantom of the Opera, Earthsea Trilogy, Torchwood, Sanctuary, X-Files, Star Trek: 2009, Beowulf, Lord of the Rings, NCIS, Hobbit, Sherlock Holmes, Silmarillion, and Supernatural. Since you're reading this I assume you either like my work enough to want to get to know me or you don't like it and want to know what kind of a creep I am. Either way I'm flattered you took the time to look me up! I hope that you are enjoying my work and are leaving reviews so I know that you're enjoying it! Let me tell you a secret. . . I love attention. Reviews = Attention. The more attention (reviews) I get the more I want to write. The more I want to write the more I'm gonna write. So please, please, please, please! REVIEW! Now, for what you probably came for so. . . Hi, my name is Meg and I'm a music junkie. I've been addicted to music for about 4 years now. I play piano, guitar, violin, french horn and I sing. I spend most of my time practicing, taking lessons or on school stuff. I confess to writing in fits and starts due to difficulties with inspiration and my schedule. I'm interested in many things, fanfics being the newest, so I'll be flitting about - somewhere. Happy reading! X Hey, folks! Check out my LiveJournal for updates on chapters and new stories and to listen to my ranting. Also, while you're here maybe you'd care to vote in my ongoing poll? Basically, I need motivation to write and I want you to help me. If I know someone is actually reading what I write, I tend to write more. I know, I know! I'm begging, but I can't help myself. Please? *flashes Sam worthy puppy dog eyes* X A new poll is up. Anybody wanna check it out? X This is an official badge from CosmicalMadison: I AM THE ONLY PERSON WHO MADE HER SMILE ABOUT IANTO'S DEATH. Thank you for your attention. =D X Hey, so little tidbit about me 'n' The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. In my author's note for Bilbo's Favorite Kitchen I said that I know all about the book even though I've never read it. How is this possible, you ask? Simple. I listened to it as an audio book. Audio books (or Playaways) are awesome! Basically, an actor (or actors) reads the book to you, so it's almost like a movie without the picture. So whaddaya think? Pretty clever? Yeah, I thought so, too. X At some point I would like to write something for: Doctor Who Hawaii Five-O NCIS Robin Hood BBC Robin of Sherwood Supernatural Torchwood X Current Plot Bunnies: Chapter 3 of Star Trek 2009: Unhealthy Obsession X Back Burner Plot Bunnies: A Kono-centric piece for Hawaii 5-O Continuing What Jack Did Next X A note on the Process of Grieving for all Janto fans: Basically there are five stages to grief, according to my old psychology book anyway. 1. Denial - fans may recall thinking that after Jack kissed Ianto he would be brought back. Countless stories "fixing" the problem, correcting Mr Davies "mistake." 2. Anger - numerous posts where people are raging at Russel T. Davies for killing Ianto. 3. Bargaining - offering to trade Gwen and/or Rhys for Ianto. 4. Depression - cry your eyes out. Yeah, I'm there, how about you? 5. Acceptance - if, or when, we hit this stage we'll calm down and realise that Ianto is dead and he's not coming back. Jack has run away and is not coming back and Torchwood is pretty much ruined. And we'll be happy about it. I heard a rumor that there will be another season of Torchwood, but it won't air in America. I'm seriously ticked about that, so right now I'm stuck in anger and denial. Even though Torchwood is no longer my main fandom, I don't think I'll ever accept Ianto's death. After all, there's tons of alien tech out there and some of it's bound to be useful. One day, something will fall through the Rift and everything will be all right. |
AruWolf (3) | Dragon's top hat (5) |