Author has written 5 stories for Card Captor Sakura. Hi everybody! Well, I said I wouldn’t update. I lied.(Silence.) Hmm. . . Nobody seems that surprised. Yukito: Um, there doesn’t appear to be anybody here. Bluegoo: What the- gagh! Well, what are *you* doing in my bio then? I should kick you out of my studio right now- Yukito: . . . What studio? Bluegoo: Curses! Foiled again! I *will* have a studio – and you shouldn’t be in it. Yukito (smiles and shrugs) Oh, don’t mind me, I’m just a symptom of your rampant shizophrenia. . . Bluegoo: Guh? Anyhoo, thank you to everyone who has reviewed. . . I apologise for the overuse of leader-dots, but if it ain’t leader dots it’s brackets, or hyphens, or colons – used to drive my teacher nuts with ‘em. At present I’ve finished the Meilin-Tomoyo fic and it will be posted when I get off my lazy backside i.e. don’t expect it for a couple of months. . . How tragic. I can see people weeping with sorrow at the delay. . . should probably get my glasses checked, anyhoo: I’ve almost finished ‘Spirit World’, my first fic with an actual plot (about Clow’s early life, Yue, Keroberos, glimpses of a certain cardcaptor, and. . .Yuki? What the heck’s Yuki doing there?), and I have finished this nameless random fluff-and-angst Touya-Yue/Yukito fic, which DrM is currently beta-reading. Might as well have a quality beta-reader, ne? Oh. I would write a different pairing to Touya and Yukito/Yue, you understand, but Yukito. . . (Yukito smiles cheerfully and strokes gun) “Ohayo minna-san!” Bluegoo: Yes, quite. . . well, thanks again: French-Fille, Dark Ice Angel, NiCa5, Yori-chan, Tsuki no yume, Elvis, DrM, kawaii-camera-girl, hikari (I’ll review eventually), Samuraiheart, Kioko, The Penmaster, Utahraptor, Kyoko, and Saria. Phew! Now I come to think of it, that’s a lotta reviews! And, important note: my policy on flames is as follows: |
Dr Megalomania (50) | MorganD (19) | Suppi-chan (76) |