Author has written 6 stories for Dragon Ball Z, and Harry Potter. Who put me on their favorites list, i can't tell and i wanna know, PLEASE TELL ME? Oh and when you review me flames are okay too! I sorta wanna know what people think is wrong with it. AIYA! OK so now everyone else is changing their Bio, and so am I so here go's. I like Cardcaptors, X-men, Harry Potter, Oh! My Goddess, Sailormoon, and I love, love, love Dragon Ball Z.My favorite couples are: Oliver/Hermione, Trunks/Pan, Goten/Bra, Harry/Hermione (ocasionally), Kitty/Lance, Sakura/Li, Eli/Madison, Serena/Darien, Belldandy/Keichi, and Bulma/Vegeta. Hot Guys: Oliver, Trunks, Scott, Pietro, Goten, Celistineichi (inside joke, but he's still hot), and Li (I know he's like 10 but who cares he's a cartoon). People I Dont Like: Marron, Seiya, Freiza ( he's so gay), Yamcha, Magneto (whats with the gay outfit in the cartoon?), Pansy, and many, many others. Fanfics I hate to see: Serena/Diamond, Serena/Seiya, Marron/Trunks, Marron/Goten, Pan/Cell (thats right folks, it actually happend), Pan/Ubu, Ginny/Draco (how is that even possible? someone please explain this to me!), and I can't think of any more right now. Wait! oh yeah, I dont like Gokou/Bulma. I mean come on he's like 6 years younger than her. Yuck!!! (oh and I dont have problems with age difference's. Just look at Trunks and Pan.) Fanfics I like to read: Sailormoon and DBZ A/U, Harry Potter, Digimon, and Fantasy. And all the story's I read are Romance, or have at least some Romance in them. Well I know it takes me forever to write chapters but I'm lazy and I get alot of homework. Just ask Nadesico. Well thats long enough I think so Buhbye, see ya later, and keep Reading. Ruka/ Ruki Me: Im so bored, its er... funny Goku: :points at me and laughs uncontrollably: Hahahaha... Me: :angry: Goku, what are you laughing at. Utena: :twiddles thumbs and whistles inocentlly: Goku: What do ya mean? You said it was funny! Me: :mutters: stupid idiot, doesn't know anything, doesn't understand sarcasm... Utena: :slowly making her way towards Goku: Me: :Glances at Goku, and then at Utena, then back at Goku: :confused: Whats going on? Why'd it get so quiet all of a sudden? Utena: :crouch's down behind Goku, ready to pounce. Leaps at Goku: Belldandy: :'pops' out of mirror in the ceiling, and floats down in front of Goku: Utena: :Can't stop, and bangs into Bell in mid- air.: Goku: :so startled he falls over: Bell: :sweat drops: Me: :staring, confused: Utena: :stands up, little stars are circling her head, and she's dizzy: Goku: Whats happening? :confused like always: Bell: :blushes: Utena: HEY BELL? WHAT'D YOU GO AND DO THAT FOR? Bell: What did I do? I was just coming to visit. And when I appeared, you jumped on me. Utena: :fumes: |