![]() Author has written 21 stories for Young Ones, Bottom, Doctor Who, Ashes to Ashes, Life on Mars, Harry Potter, Sherlock, Little House series, and Thick of It. Probably too old to be doing this but doing it anyway. If you can't keep your socks under better control than that, you shan't be allowed to have any! -- Mike to Vyvyan HILRED TO FOURTH DOCTOR: Confess! FOURTH DOCTOR: All right, I confess ... I confess you're a bigger idiot than I thought you were. -- "The Deadly Assassin" How is the Master on mathematics? Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! He's almost up to my standard. -- Castellan Spandrell and the Fourth Doctor in "The Deadly Assassin" It's too human in there for me. -- Ninth Doctor about Rose's family in "Rose" Shut up, Wesley! -- Captain Picard I was excellent. Everybody loved me. I love myself, and I like bums. -- Cardinal Richelieu |