Author has written 4 stories for Gossip Girl, and Harry Potter. Hello there (: ATM: I am having a Supernatural melt-down, meaning 1) I am crushing on Castiel 2) I have been watching WAY too many SPN slash youtube videos 3) I have a secret crush for Sammy Winchester's dark side - Even though that it wrong 4) I find all of Dean's quirks adorable even the smart-arse dbadly timed remarks he's full off and finally 5) I am "EEK"ing at Castiel/Dean fan fictions and reviewing . As of right now! I originally made the account to read and favorite other writer's awesome fab-fictions, but my friend lured me into writing them too and thus I began to upload them :P Thank you for reading my profile and stories, it means alot to me :) |
fromoutoftherain (25) | Luciel89 (14) |