Author has written 7 stories for Skip Beat!. Why the disgusting pen name? Well, to sum it up, my life is like diarrhea, the crap never stops coming. Is there such a thing as a mid-twenties crisis? 'Cause if there is, I'm probably suffering from it. What I do for a living and what I do to get a life are two completely different things. Are most artists insane? No. Socially-challenged? Perhaps. Temperamental? Hell, yes! Trust me. I've worked with and competed against a lot of volatile, albeit incredibly talented, people since before I hit puberty. I kinda miss those "Touch my work and you're dead." scenarios. You never really realize they're serious until they try to throw paint cans at you. And it never hits you that you're actually in the same boat until you've grabbed that bottle of turpentine to retaliate. I consider myself more of a visual artist than a writer. That's why whenever I suffer from writer's block, I just grab a pencil and start sketching how I would like the story to unfold. It helps me get over the humps. Or gets me working on an entirely different project. Whichever works. I love films with witty dialogues, like The Cutting Edge. A movie made primarily of dry cynicism and sarcastic diatribes. Pure genius. And the only song I could stand being played twice in succession is The First Time I Loved Forever. Because it's highly melodramatic, and it's from my favorite TV series of all time, Beauty and the Beast, and because it's got my favorite poem as well by e. e. cummings, Somewhere I Have Never Travelled, Gladly Beyond. It's three-in-one. Like instant coffee. The greatest invention of modern civilization. I love Skip Beat. Kyouko's just as neurotic as I am. Samurai Champloo is severely underrated. Critics of this series deserve one of Mugen's metal-enforced getas to the head. Saiunkoku Monogatari has me hooked because of the court intrigues. Definitely not because of all the pretty pretty boys. Who all happen to be fond, some more than others, of Shuurei. Here's to hoping the story doesn't fall into the shoujo cliche trap. I'd rather have her end up with no one than watch the author go for the overly-used everybody's-got-their-own-happy-ending device. FMA makes me wish I was Maj. Mustang. I'd snap my fingers and shout "Burn... burn... burn...!" while standing on top of my Guymelef. Oh, wait. Wrong series. Hana Yori Dango makes me feel all fluffy inside. Just because. Eventhough I've been rooting for a different pairing throughout. At least we now all know that Akira's got the most self-sacrificing love of all. Harharhar. I'm vindicated even if they didn't end up together. That's what fanfiction is for. I've recently put my Perfect Girl Evolution manga to better use. Like making bonfires. One Piece is definitely on a different class of it's own. It's the only manga that's ever made me tear up and burst into laughter at the same time. Made me clean up my computer screen afterwards, though. Otogizoshi is a must-watch, and so is Blood, if only for the ending. That last bittersweet scene between Saya and her "brother" makes laboring through the whole series worth it. I've got an attention span the length of a matchstick, which is why I start spacing out at the most inopportune moments. Like now. 20.03.10 Am under self-imposed isolation for the rest of the year to force myself to finish my post-grad studies. Will TRY to post stories during lucid intervals. 15.02.13 To those wondering whether I'm dropping my stories, I've got two words for you: KERNEL PANIC. Give me time to grieve, people... |