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Joined 03-15-09, id: 1868149, Profile Updated: 09-05-12

Why I deleted my stories:

This fandom brought me quite a bit of joy, but it also brought me just as much (if not more) heartache.

Some of the greatest lessons I learned during my times as a fanfic writer include the fact that the fandom has the ability to lift someone up or drop them like a bad habit. I am glad that some of you enjoyed my stories - but I can no longer be known as or branded as a fanfiction writer. I need to go be an author. I need to let go of the memories I have of this and of the love and hatred I have for the past two years. I need to say goodbye to the people that would not be my friend and apologize to the people that once were.

But I have to go - I need to grow but without leaving any roots here because it's just not fair for something to exist that makes me simultaneously happy and miserable all at once.

I love you all for reading. And if any of you see this, I love you for caring. I saved all my stories, maybe I'll put them back up again one day but I don't know.

If you're reading this. I love you. Always have, always will.

Bye, guys.