![]() Author has written 2 stories for Final Fantasy VII, Gundam Wing/AC, and Yu Yu Hakusho. About Me: Name: FoxOhki Gender: Who Knows Interests: Writing, Anime, Manga, Videogames, Movies, Comic books, D&D, white chocolate candy bars Things I like in fiction: Romance with a touch of drama, well written plots and that does include Yaoi stories (My roommate is obsessed, so I guess constant exposure to her tastes has desensitized me -- Yaoi is fine if it has a plot) Things I hate in fiction: PWP, Pairings that make absolutely no sense whatsoever, and mpregs of any form Getting Ideas for Stories: Usually it'll just come to me, or I'll want to see something written and no one else has written it to my specifications. Sometimes, my roommate will give me a challenge story to write. About My Stories: Any story that is posted here, is usually completed before it is posted. We simply have to wait for beta-ing and any last minute changes from new ideas. By Your Side: FFVII. (Two years after Advent Children) Four years after the Meteor incident, Yuffie finds herself rescued by an old friend they all thought was insane. But is he really insane, or will Yuffie find there's more to him than meets the eye? A Cid/Yuffie story. Rated M for violence/swearing/content. Progress: Chapter 7/11 completed, Chapter 8 written, being beta-ed. Expect each chapter to be posted about once a week. Due to a combination of RL work related problems and new ideas for the chapter, the post of Chapter 8 is being temporarily put on hold. It is possible the chapter will be rewritten, but I WILL get back to posting this, it will just take some time. Pictures for 'By Your Side' by Callikoneko The main graphic for the story: http:///albums/uu34/Callikoneko/FicPic.jpg The second graphic for the story: http:///albums/uu34/Callikoneko/Friends.jpg The third graphic for the story: http:///albums/uu34/Callikoneko/Rivals.jpg Stolen Desires: Gundam Wing/Yu Yu Hakusho crossover. Kurama attempts to steal a gemstone that can grant his greatest desire, only to find he's beaten to the punch. The fox demon teams up with another would-be thief to track the jewel, but new desires begin to stir. GW/YYH crossover, Duo/Kurama, SLASH/YAOI Explanation: Written for my roommate; 'nuff said. Rated T for mild swearing and content, but nothing graphic. Progress: Completed! Sequel in progress. Potential Stories: Gundam Wing and Yu Yu Hakusho crossover, Sequel to Stolen Desires (Duo/Kurama pairing) GTO and I My Me Strawberry Eggs crossover (Onizuka meets the 'female' Hibiki Amawa) Star Ocean and Naruto crossover Naruto and Tenchi Muyo crossover (Kakashi/Washu pairing) Trigun and Grenadier crossover (Vash meets Rushuna) Outlaw Star and Van Dread crossover Fullmetal Alchemist and Chrono Crusade crossover (science vs. religion) The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Methos (Highlander) as Death, Cid Highwind (FFVII) as War, Anko Mitarashi (Naruto) as Pestilence and Hiko Seijuro (Rurouni Kenshin) as Famine -- seriously, I want to see anyone try to mess with that group. |